Double entry columns setup

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In this article

The Chart of accounts > Columns section contains the most important options for customizing the columns to be displayed and printed in the Financial Statements and in the Income Statement and Notes.

Enhanced Balance sheet with groups, columns

Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement and Notes

If the various options are activated, the following data will be included in the display and printing of the reports:

Account number
In addition to the account description, the account numbers are also included.

The balance or movement in the basic currency, referring to the selected period or to the subdivision of the period.

% of row
Includes the column with the percentage referred to the total (e.g.% total assets).
The total group to base the percentage calculation on can be set in the Sections tab.
The group is set by the program, but especially for the Income Statement, it is not always determined ideally, so it must be set manually.

Foreign currency
This option is only visible in a multi-currency file.
By activating the option in the printout, the balance will also be displayed in foreign currency for the selected period or the subdivision of the period.

The opening balance for the period.

The amount of the budget, referring to the selected period or the subdivision of the period:

  • If the Budget table has not been set up, the amount in the Budget column of the Chart of accounts is indicated.
    The total amount of each account is divided over 12 months.
  • If the Budget table has been set up, the budget amount of the accounts is calculated based on the transactions entered in the Budget table.

Previous period
The amount for the period prior to the selected period or period split.

Previous year
The amount for the same period of the previous year.

Is the difference between the amount of the current period and that of the other column (Budget, Previous period, previous year).

% Difference
Is the difference between the amount of the current period and that of the other column (Budget, Previous period, previous year).

The balance or movement from the beginning of the accounting to the date of the last posting.


With the Advanced button you can further customize the arrangement, texts and colors of the columns.

You can hide or display a column that is indicated in the list.

Change sequence
Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons or drag the column with the mouse.

Add new column
You can include other columns from the Accounts table or one of the columns calculated by the report in the report.

Remove the column from the list
With the Delete button the column is deleted. You can always add it again:

Special cases

Previous accounting year beyond the current accounting period

If the previous accounting year is longer than the normal duration of the current year (for example, it starts in November or December), the Previous column of the Accounts table is used to correctly display the totals of the income statement of the previous year, as otherwise, Banana accounting calculates the totals of the income statement taking the same duration as the current year and the totals will differ from what is displayed in the financial statements of the previous year.

In this case proceed as follows.

  • For the Income statement, deactivate the Previous year and Previous period columns
  • Click on Advanced ...
  • With the Add ... command, add the Columns table Accounts > Prior column
  • With the Properties ... command, enter the text to be displayed as the header for the Prior column
    • Row 1 > Text > "2021", "2022", ...
  • Confirm and display Enhanced Balance Sheet.
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