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In Accounting, the "journal" is a book of original entry where all financial transactions of a company are recorded in chronological order. It is a fundamental tool for recording accounting transactions and plays a crucial role in the bookkeeping process.

In Banana Accounting, the Journal is represented by the Transactions table, where transactions are entered in chronological order. From this table, the program provides a detailed and complete record of all financial activities of the company and serves as the basis for preparing other accounting documents such as the general ledger, balance sheet, and income statement.

Each transaction is recorded with detailed annotations, divided into specific columns:

  1. Date: The date on which the transaction occurred.
  2. Description: A brief description of the transaction, indicating the nature of the accounting operation.
  3. Debit Account: The account debited for the amount of the transaction.
  4. Credit Account: The account credited for the amount of the transaction.
  5. Amount: The amount of the transaction.

Journal prints can be generated either by selection or by using a command that also allows defining a period.

For further information, please refer to the following pages.


With Banana Accounting the Journal corresponds to the Transactions table. It is possible to print the entire journal or just a part of it, selecting the rows that you wish to print.

There are different methods to print the Journal:


journal by period

You can choose whether to print all or a defined period. To print a specific period, enter the start date and the end date.


sorting the journal

In the Sort column tab it is possible to choose the criteria by which the journal should be sorted and printed.

Customize the printing of the Journal

To customize the printing of the journal, you can change the arrangement and header of the columns. Information can be found on the Columns setup page; while the options to include in the printout are found in the Page Setup lesson.

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