Reports over several years

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A statement over several years allows for a simple and immediate comparison of the evolution of your business. Banana Accounting can display balance sheets up to two previous years in the same report, so for example the balances of the years 2022, 2021 and 2020 on a single page.

In order to view the balances over several years it is necessary that the "file previous year" option is indicated correctly in the File and accounting Properties, → Options tab, otherwise Banana Accounting is not able to retrieve the balances of the previous accounting periods, which would therefore remain empty.

In the following example we indicate how to get a report for the years 2022, 2021 and 2020. Here is how to proceed:

  • Reports menu → Enhanced balance sheet with groups ...
  • Check Current and Previous year in the Columns section.
  • Advanced Button (click on the button for both the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Statement).

Balance sheet Profit and Loss over several years

  • From the dialog window that opens, click on the Add button to add a column.

add columns previous years

  • Scroll down the list until you see -2 Years (we have to go 2 years back, from the current year).

add balance columns for 2 previous years

  • Confirm with OK to get the report.


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