Columns (Advanced)

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This dialog allows you to see the list of different columns as they appear in the report and to customize their column display, headers, and column content colors or background colors.

You can change the list of columns with the Add or Remove buttons:

  • Accounts table columns
    Complete list of columns in the Accounts table
  • Acounting amounts [A]
    List of columns calculated for the current accounting period. (A=Actual)
  • Budget amounts [B]
    List of columns calculated on the basis of data from the Budget table. (B=Budget)

Enhanced balance sheet with groups, columns, advanced

The following options are available:

  • Hide/Show columns
    With the check you can hide or make a column that is indicated in the list visible.
  • Change sequence.
    Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons or drag the column with the mouse.
  • Add new column
    You can include other columns from the Accounts table or one of the columns calculated by the report in the report.
  • Remove the column from the list
    With the Delete button the column is deleted. You can always add it again.
  • Change text or background colour.
  • Change the header or other properties of the column.


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