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Via the Chart of Accounts section → Subdivision you can access the options to choose the subdivision of the period (year, semester, quarter, month).

Enhanced balance sheet with groups, subdivision period

Only the data for the overall period are present in print.

Subdivision by period

With the breakdown by period, the program creates columns for the indicated periods. For each period you will see the same columns for the overall period.

The function allows you to view the data of the period for:

  • day
  • month
  • bi-monthly
  • quarter
  • four monthly
  • semester
  • year
  • 5 years
  • 10 years.

The selected period appears in the column header.

In order not to have an excessive number of columns in print:

  • Limit the number of items you want to print.
  • Indicate a shorter period.
  • Indicate the maximum number of periods.

Enhanced balance sheet with groups, subdivision period


Create periods for the entire year
When the accounting period does not coincide with the calendar year, but you want to view all the months anyway, simply activate this function. 

Totals column
This function creates a Totals column of the selected periods in the income statement and in the Totals view.

Maximum number of divisions
The maximum number of periods is by default 36. In particular cases, if you want particular statistics that are very detailed and over long periods, you can manually change this value. A very high maximum number of periods can slow down the program.

 Subdivision by Segment

The segments allow you to have reports for a certain section of the company. Segments are defined in the Chart of accounts. With the breakdown by period, the program creates columns for the different segments. For each segment you will see the same columns for the overall period.

Each subdivision takes the name of the header given in the Chart of accounts. The split data (based on your selection) is displayed.

The Subdivision by Segment option is active only if segments have been set up in the Accounts table.

You can select:

  • All segments - This way, when new segments are added, they will be automatically added to the printout.
  • Blank - The amount not assigned to any segment is displayed.
  • Choice of segments - Indicate only the segments you want to see in print.

Enhanced balance sheet with groups, segments

Totals column
When this option is being checked, the totals for the selected segment will be obtained.

Segment header
You can choose the text to be displayed as column header for the segments.



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