The columns of the Transactions table - Double entry

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The Transactions table has a series of columns and views already set.

The columns of the Transactions table

The columns listed hereunder and preceded by an * are usually not visible.
In order to make them visible, use the Columns setup command from the Data menu.

The date the program uses to attribute the transaction to a certain time frame. The date should be within the limits of the accounting period defined in the Basic data of the accounting. In the Options tab, one can indicate whether the transaction date is required, otherwise this value can also be left empty.
If there are locked transactions, the program triggers an error message when a date equal or earlier to the one of the lock is being entered. 

*Date Document
The date of the document can be entered, for example the date of issue for an invoice.

*Date Value
The value date of the bank operation can be indicated. This value is being imported from an electronic bank statement.

The number of the voucher that serves as a base for the accounting transaction. When entering transactions, it is advisable to indicate a progressive number on the document, so that the accounting document of the transaction can be easily traced.
The auto-complete feature proposes progressive values as well as transaction codes that have been defined earlier in the Recurring transactions table.

The program proposes the next document number, that can be resumed with the F6 key.

  • In case of a numeric numbering, the program simply increases the highest value found in the Doc column.

  • Alphanumeric numbering: the program increases the final numeric part; this is useful when one would like to keep a separate numbering for cash and bank movements:
    • If earlier Doc number C-01 has been entered, and one starts to type C, the program proposes C-02.
    • If earlier Doc number B104 has been entered, and one starts to type B, the program proposes B-105.
    • If earlier Doc number D10-04 has been entered, and one starts to type D, the program proposes D10-05.

In the recurring transactions you can setup transactions groups that can be reloaded with a single code.

In order to add a large number of document numbers, you can also use Excel. You can create the desired quantity of document numbers in Excel and then copy and paste it into Banana, in the column of the Transactions Table.

*Document Protocol
An extra column in case an alternative numbering for the transactions or for the document is required.
The auto-complete feature proposes progressive values that function in the same way as the ones in the Document column. It is used, for example:

  • When it is necessary to assign a progressive number to the transactions, different from the document number.
  • If the transactions are entered by other people, using another file and then these are imported into the accounting. This way it is possible to use both a progressive numbering referred to the accounting and the original number.

*Document Type
Contains a code that the program uses to identify a type of transaction. If you prefer to use your own codes, it is advisable to add a new column.

  • 01 In the reports, this transaction is considered an opening transaction, so it doesn't show in the period but in the opening balances.
  • from 10 to 19: codes for customers' invoices
  • from 20 to 29: codes for suppliers' invoices
  • from 30 to 1000: codes reserved for future purposes.

*Document Invoice
A number of an issued or paid invoice that will be used together with the invoice control feature for Customers and Suppliers

*Document Original
The reference number present on a document, to enter, for example, the number of a credit note.

*DocLink to external file
Serves to enter a link to an external file, usually the accounting voucher.
Clicking on the small icon in the upper part of the cell, the program opens the document. See insert, edit and open links.

  • When a link has been inserted in the cell, a small icon appears and clicking on it opens the document, but only if it is an extension considered to be safe.
  • The other small icon allows you to insert and edit the link.

*External reference
The reference number that was allocated by a program that has generated this transaction. This value can be used to check whether a given operation is imported twice.

The text of the transaction.
The auto-complete feature proposes the text of an already entered transaction, or of one that has been entered in the preceding year when the appropriate option has been activated. When pressing the F6 key, the program retrieves the data of the preceding row with the same description and completes the columns of the active row.

In case the description begins with #CheckBalance, the transaction is being considered as one that serves to check the balance.
Please consult our page Check accounting for more information on the subject.

Useful to add notes to the transaction.

Debit Account
The account that will be charged.

  • It is possible to also enter a segment in the Debit account column. These are usually separated by a ":" or a "-" o un "-".
    By inserting the segment separator sign, immediately move to the next segment.
  • If instead the Enter key is being pressed, the input will end and one moves to the next column.
  • The auto-complete feature proposes the accounts and segments of the Plan of Accounts.
  • Instead of the account, you can enter a search text. The program proposes the list of accounts which contains the text in one of the columns.

*Debit Account Description
The description of the entered account retrieved from the Chart of accounts.

Credit Account
The account that will be credited. We refer to the explanation under Debit account for the rest of the information.

*Credit Account Description
The description of the entered account retrieved from the Chart of accounts.

The amount that will be entered unto the debit and credit account.

The  Balance column shows the sum of debit and credit. An amount is therefore only displayed for entries in several accounts. At the end of the entry the balance should be zero. If there is a recurring amount it is because there is an error.

VAT columns
Information on the VAT columns can be found att the VAT columns in the Transactions table page 

The Cost center account preceded by "." to be entered without the ".".
If the initials are preceded by the minus sign "-P1", the amount is recorded in credit.

*CC1 Description
The description of the Cost centre, retrieved from the Chart of accounts.

The Cost center account preceded by "," to be entered without the ",".
If the acronym is preceded by the minus sign "-P2", the amount is recorded in credit.

*CC2 Description
The description of the Cost centre, retrieved from the Chart of accounts.

The Cost center account preceded by ";" to be entered without the ";".
If the abbreviation is preceded by the minus sign "-P3", the amount is recorded in credit.

*CC3 Description
The description of the Cost centre, retrieved from the Chart of accounts.

*Expiry date
The date before which the invoice has to be paid. For further information see the Customers and Suppliers pages.

*Payment date
Used in combination with the Show Expiry dates command.
When the invoices customers/suppliers control feature in order to check on the payments is used instead, a transaction has to be entered for an issued invoice and another one for the payment thereof.

*Lock Number, Lock Amount, Lock Progressive, Lock Line
More information at the Lock Transactions page.

 Additional columns

From the menu Tools → Add New Features → Add Columns Articles in the Transactions table the following columns are added:

The item identifier of the Items table. If you insert an article present in the Items table, the description, unit, unit price, VAT code and account are included.

The quantity multiplied by the unit price will produce the total amount (can also be a negative number).

A description referring to the quantity, for example: mq, ton, pz.

The unit price multiplied by the quantity, will produce the total amount (can also be a negative number).

If a value is entered in the Quantity or Unit Price columns, the amount is calculated on the basis of the contents in these two columns and converted to a positive value.

Adding new columns

With the Columns setup command, it is possible to display, hide or move the order of columns, add new ones, or indicate that a column should not be included in the printout.

  • The added columns in the Transactions table will be added also in the Recurring transactions table, in the Account card and in the VAT report, without being made visible.
    In order to display these columns in the other tables, use the Columns setup command.
  • If a column of the "amount" type is being added, the entered amounts will be added up in the Account card. 


When a new accounting is being created, the following views are being automatically created as well: 

  • Base: the main columns are being displayed
  • Cost centres:  the CC1, CC2 and CC3 columns are being displayed
  • Expiry dates:  the columns Expiry date and Payment date are being displayed
  • Lock: the columns relative to the Lock function are being displayed.

With the Views setup command, the views can be customized and personal views can be created.
With the Page setup command, you can modify the print mode of the view.


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