Importing transactions from your credit card

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Banana Accounting allows the importation of movements from the credit card into the main accounting file.

You must ensure that the chart of accounts includes the credit card account and the transfer account to be used for down payments.

Install the format of your bank

In order to be able to carry out the import it is necessary that the data format, provided by the credit card issuing bank, is compatible with the formats provided by Banana accounting.

To install the extension related to the data format released by the issuing bank, proceed as follows:

Importing the credit card movements

After having installed the extension for the Banana compatible data format, proceed as follows to import the data:

  • Actions Menu → Import into accounting → Transactions:
    • Select the format type of the bank that issued the credit card.
  • With the Browse button, select the file transmitted by the bank and confirm with OK.
  • Enter the period and indicate the credit card account and confirm with OK.
    All transactions are imported into the Transactions table.
  • Enter the counterpart account that refers to the movement for each row.

Import credit card transactions with deposits made

When deposits have been made on the credit card, they are recorded in the accounting system. In this case, after importing the credit card data, there is the problem of the recording of the deposits. In this case a double transaction appears on the credit card account:

  • Presence of the credit card account as a counterpart to the bank charges for payments to the credit card.
  • Presence of the credit card account in the transactions imported from the credit card.

To avoid this overlap, the transfer account is being used at the time of import.

How to proceed with the import:

  • Actions Menu → Import into accounting → Transactions:
    • Select the format type of the bank that issued the credit card.
  • With the Browse button, select the file transmitted by the bank and confirm with the OK button
  • Enter the period and indicate the transfer account. Confirm with the OK button.
    All transactions are imported into the Transactions table.
  • Enter the counterpart account that refers to the movement for each row.


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