Manage Extensions

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This dialog window allows you to install, modify settings and uninstall Banana Extensions.
You must install an Extension in order to be able to use it.

Viewing and Installing Marketplace Extensions

In the online section of the Dialog you see and search extensions available in the marketplace.

To install an Extension, proceed as follows:

  • Choose the language and country.
  • From the left menu, select Online
  • Select the Extension type (e.g. productivity)
  • Look for the desired Extension among those listed; or in the Search box, type the name of the Extension you want
  • Click on the Install button
  • Click on the Close button

Below are the available Extensions :

gestione estensioni

The installed Extension will be visible in the Extensions menu.


If the Extensions window does not show the complete list of extensions, you need to update them or extend the search, selecting any country, any language and all.

  • If you activate the Include universal extensions option, you will also see all the extensions that can be used in any country.

If the complete list does not contain the format of your bank, you will need to request an account statement in the universal ISO 20022 format. Soon, all banks will replace the various formats (csv, MT940...) with the European standard ISO 20022 format.

List of Extensions

This list shows the installed Banana Extensions and those available for installation.

  • The check sign indicates that the Extension is installed.
  • The Extension denomination
  • Information Banana Extensions:
    • Description
    • Link for main information, will open the corresponding internet page
    • Last update
      Extension date and hour
      Local Banana Extension date and hour (as per imported file)
    • Category
      Type of Banana Extension
    • Nation
      Nation where Extension can be used. International will indicate that Extension can be used in several nations
    • Install button
      Download Banana Extension for local use
  • Information on installed Extensions:
    • The ">" symbol preceding a packet will designate a Banana Extensions packet, that contains several commands.
    • Enabled
      If the enabled box is not checked, the Extension will not figure in the menu. For a packet, single commands may me deactivated.
    • Automatic update.
      When a new version is made available, it will download automatically.
    • Last update
      The date of publication of the extension.
    • Category
      The Extension category
    • Nation
      The nation of extension. Universal means that it is not tied to a specific nation.
    • Language
      The interface language of the extension.
    •  Default channel *)
      The version of the extension. You can choose between
      • Stable-Channel.
        Final released versions.
      • Beta-channel.
        The versions released on a trial basis, before becoming final, but which still have to be fine-tuned.
      • Dev-channel.
        The versions under development.
    • Channels available *)
      The  versions available for this extension.
    • Used Channel *)
      The version in use.
      If the preferred channel version is not available, the programme will choose the channel version giving priority in order Stable, Beta and Developer.
    • URI.
      • If the extension is installed locally the local location.
      • If the extension is remote and has not been installed the remote url.
    • Remote URI 
      If the extension was installed remotely, the remote repository url.
    • Required properties
      For an Extension to function properly, they must be set up via File > File and accounting properties > Other
    • Apply properties button
      Will apply new properties to your file
    • Execute button
      Will execute the specific command.
      This button will only be highlighted if the App is applicable in the context of your current file.
      For example, a multi-currency function will only be applicable if the file has been created as a multi-currency accounting file.
      In order to create you own Extension for Banana Accounting Plus, you need to have a subscription to the Advanced plan.
    • Settings button
      Certain Extensions allow you to set the settings for execution of your task. They will be related to your currently open file. If you use the same App with another file you must redefine the settings.
      In the invoice reports, for instance, we indicate the elements necessary for printing.
    • Uninstall button
      Will uninstall the Extension or the packet.

Using a development version

In the Marketplace we may make available different version of an extension: 

  • If a development version is available for the extension, this is indicated in the "Available Channels".
  • In the "Default Channel" you can set the channel you prefer to use between Stable, Beta or Developer.
  • In the 'Used channel', the development channel actually used is then displayed.
     If the selected channel is not available, the higher level version is used. If there is no Developer, the Beta is used, and if there is no Stable

Search Extensions

Extensions are listed according to the following selection criteria:

  • Language
  • Nation
  • Text
  • Installed
    Displays locally installed Extensions.
  • Online
    List of Extensions available from the Marketplace.
    Marketplace extensions will be automatically updated once a day when a new version is available.
  • System.
    List of pre-installed Extensions. You may enable or disable via the check box.


A dialog box appears with:

  • The source file where the Extension is located.
  • The type of Extension.
  • The date of the Extension.


If the Extension allows to set the parameters at programming level,  the button is active.
When this is the case, dialogues are displayed that allow to enter fixed parameters, which will be used for this Extension.
The parameters are relative to each file.


Allows you to edit the selected Extension. Go to the folder where the Extension file is located.


Permanently removes the selected Extension. You cannot remove filters installed at the system level or for all users.
For the moment it is not possible to remove Extensions that are contained in a file with the sbaa extension either. If you want to remove the Extension you have to delete the Extension file.

Help (side button)

Leads to the internet page with information about the selected Extension.

Add from file

Lets you add a Banana Extension from a local file. Indicated especially for development of new Extensions.
In order to create you own Extension for Banana Accounting Plus, you need to have a subscription to the Advanced plan.

  • The file needs to always remain in the same directory.
  • If the App is modified, the program will always use the last version.

Add from URL

Allows you to install Extensions present in the list of Extensions available on the Internet. 
In order to create you own Extension for Banana Accounting Plus, you need to have a subscription to the Advanced plan.

Update Extensions

Only once a day, the first time the program is started, the program will update the extensions.

If for any reason the program could not download the updated list or a new release has been made available during the day you should run the update command manually. The update command will:

  • Update the list of the available extensions from the marketplace.
  • Download a new release of an installed extension. 
  • It will modify local or Url installed extension.

For more information see: Development information for Installing and Running extensions.


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