Import transactions (generic)

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In this article

The following explanation refers to the import of data into the Transactions table from files containing transactions of the double-entry type, from Banana Accounting, or other formats.

The Import of bank transactions is similar to importing transactions, but is dealt with separately in detail on the appropriate page.

Import procedure

  1. Via Actions in the menu > Import to accounting > In the Import box, select Transactions
  2. Choose the file type from which to import
    See explanation below.
  3. With the Browse button, choose the file from which to import the transactions
  4. Set the parameters as required.
    See also: Import into accounting

Once OK is confirmed, the data are read and the following dialogue is displayed:

dialogo importa in contabilità

Importing from other Banana Accounting files

In the type of file to be imported, the programme provides a number of configurations to import data from other Banana Accounting files:

  • To import transactions from an Income & Expenses accounting file (*ac2)
    In order to import transactions from an Income & Expenses accounting file into a double-entry accounting file, it is necessary that the categories of the Income & Expenses file correspond to the accounts of the double-entry accounting file.
  • To import Cash book transactions (*ac2)
    See the specific page Import Cash book transactions.
  • To import Double-entry accounting transactions (*ac2)
    In order to import transactions from a double-entry accounting file into another double-entry accounting file, it is necessary that the accounts correspond.
  • To Import Fixed Asset register 
    Imports transactions from the Fixed Asset register .ac2 file.

Import TXT/CSV files

This format must be used to export data from another programs, which provides an export format compatible with that required by Banana Accounting. See the information at the following link:

Importing account statements with import extensions

Import Extensions are additional programs that must be installed by the user and convert the data for import into Banana Accounting.

There are extensions for importing bank statements from various banks, credit cards and other formats.

These extensions only work with the Advanced plan. All old filters will be updated over time and the new versions will only be usable for those with the Advanced plan.
Search for and install an extension:

Search and install an extension:

  • Click on Manage Extensions
  • Choose Import.
  • Navigate to the desired extension and click onto Install.
  • If the Settings button appears, it means that this extension has parameters that you can customise.

Once the extension is installed, it appears in the list of available types, directly in the Extensions menu, and you can choose it for import.

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