Recurring Transactions table Rules

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The Recurring Transactions table contains both codes for resuming saved rows (for all Banana Plus Plans) and all existing rules, including those created in the Apply Rules window (Advanced Plan only). From this table you can edit existing rules, add additional details or create new ones.

Video: Rules for completing imported transactions (table Recurring transactions)

The Recurring transactions table is displayed in the following ways:

  • From the Actions menu  → Recurring transactions → Recurring transactions
  • From the Transactions table, from a movement without rules
    • Actions menu → Recurring transactions → Create rule from transaction
    • Right-clicking the mouse and choosing Create rule from transaction.

The Columns Used by the Rules

The Recurring transactions table defines the rules for the completion of imported records.

  • Correspondence columns 
    Columns for matching imported transactions from the Apply Rules dialogue.
    • Doc column - All rules must contain the word !Rule
    • Description column 
    • Amount column 
    • Debit or Credit Account columns containing the bank account or the temporary contra account [CA].
      In the Income/Expenses accounting there are Account and Category columns.
  • Substitution columns 
    When you wish to add further details to a rule, previously set up using the Apply Rules dialogue, these can be added in the replacement columns (VAT Code, CC3 , notes..).

REgole di automazione nelle tabella Registrazioni ricorrenti

Rules can also be entered or edited via the Apply Rules → Add/Edit Rule dialogue. Once added, they are saved in the Recurring transactions table.

Correspondence Columns

In the Recurring transactions table there are a number of rule correspondence columns, which are used by the programme to check whether the rule should be applied to a transaction row:

The Doc column

For a rule to exist, there must be either the following texts in the Doc column:

The Description column

The Description column must contain the text to be searched for in the description of the imported rows:

  • The exact word or phrase
    •  If you write Best Insurance 982-948, as a condition of the rule, all transactions containing this exact phrase will be regarded as matches.
    • If you write only Insurance, as a condition of the rule, all transactions containing this exact word will be considered as matches
  • All words (starting with + at the beginning)
    If you write +Best Insurance 982-948, as a condition of the rule, all transactions containing these words, in any position, will be considered as matches.
    • All words must be present in the description of the transaction.
    • The position of the words in the sentence is not relevant.
    • The '+' sign is not considered in the search.
  • Upper and lower case
    No difference is made between upper and lower case when searching for input text.
    The text you enter is applied to both upper and lower case text.
  • [Rule name]
    When a description starts with text in square brackets, this is used as the name of the rule. To be used for better identification of rules.

The Debit and Credit account columns

If the rule was created when importing movements (Apply Rules dialogue), the Debit or Credit Account column will normally already contain the account of the bank or post office from which the movement was imported. This condition is optional.

  • If the debit or credit account is not specified, the rule is applied to all imported rows that contain the specified description or amount.
  •  If the rule is followed by additional rows (split over multiple rows), enter '[ ]' to indicate that the temporary contra account is to be replaced by an empty value.

The Amount column

The Amount column may contain a precise amount to be searched for in imported transactions. This condition is optional.

Substitution columns

All other columns in the Recurring transactions table are called substitution columns. If one of these columns contains a value, it will be used by the programme to complete the imported transaction, if that column is empty.

  • Use the VAT Code column to indicate the VAT code to be entered.
  • Use columns CC1, CC2 or CC3 to indicate the Cost Centre required.
  • Use the DocLink column to enter a note and distinguish the rows where a document needs to be attached.

 Colouring rule rows

From the Recurring Transactions table, it is possible to custom-colour the rule rows.
Each movement corresponding to that rule will be shown in the Transactions table with the same colour.

Colorare le righe delle regole

 Split -row transactions

You can create rules, which add transaction rows to the processed one. This functionality is useful for recording transactions that require accounting on several accounts, such as for example:

  • You regularly receive a payment of 550 that must be recorded on three different accounts and therefore on three rows:
    • (550) rent collection (no contra-account, as this involves recording the global amount split over three rows)
    • (500) flat rent (contra account rent)
    • (50) extra expenses (contra-account for extra expenses) .

You may define the division over several rows:

  • Additional rows must immediately follow the row with the !Rule.
    Additional rows are inserted immediately after the imported row that matches the rule.
  • The Doc column of the additional rows must have the text !RuleSplit.
  • You must indicate in all other columns the values to be contained in the additional rows. In this example we have added the Tenant Cost Centre.

Regole con suddivisione su più righe

Adding custom columns to rules

From the Recurring transactions table, it is possible to add custom columns to the rules in which a note or other item can be reported by default. Each movement corresponding to that rule will be reported in the Transactions table with the same characteristics.

Copying rules in bulk from one file to another

From the Recurring transactions table it is possible to copy rule rows in bulk and paste them into another Banana file.

When creating a New Year the rules are automatically carried forward.

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