How imported transactions completion rules work

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In this article

The Apply Rules command uses template transactions, found in the Recurring transactions table, from the Actions menu, to automatically complete import transactions from bank, postal or credit card statements.

The following visually explains the principles of how the rules work and how they are applied.
The process can be summarised in two main steps:

  1.     Importing bank transactions into the Transactions table.
  2.     Automatic completion of transactions based upon the rules.

Imported bank statements

When importing data from bank statements, the programme:

  • Creates transaction rows by taking bank data, date, description, amount and any reference number.
  • Inserts into the transaction the bank account from where the movements originate, which the user has indicated in the Import transactions dialogue.
    • For those movements with an overall outgoing amount and rows with details of the various payments, for which a multi-row transaction is required, the programme generally only puts the account of the temporary contra account in the detail rows.
    • However, if the option Apply rules is activated in the import dialogue, the programme also inserts the name of the bank account in square brackets [] (commented account). This annotated account is used by the apply rules function to know which account is the source account. The annotated account is then deleted when the rule is applied.
  • For each transaction, it enters the Temporary Contra Account [CA] indicated in the Import transactions dialogue.

Completion of transactions with rules

Imported transactions are automatically completed on the basis of the rules that have been set:

  • For the application of rules, the programme considers the transactions that contain the Temporary contra account.
  • The Apply rules function replaces the temporary contra account with the indicated account and completes the transactions with the other values indicated in the rule (VAT, cost centres, etc.).
  • For transactions without an applicable rule,
    • A specific rule can be created, for transactions that are repeated over time.
    • One can complete the transaction manually.
  • The Apply rules function terminates when there are no more transactions containing the temporary contra account.

Rules automation


The rules are already complete template records, found in the Recurring transactions table, where:

  • The Description column contains the text (one or more keywords) that the imported transaction must contain.
  • The Debit and Credit accounts contain the Contra account that replaces the temporary one.

Rules automation

  • When the description starts with "+" all words must be present in the text of the imported transaction at any position. In the example, the payment to the insurance company is registered on different accounts according to the policy number.

Completed transactions (Result)

If there are values defined in the rule columns that match the imported transactions, the Apply Rule command replaces the Temporary contra account and completes the empty columns. In this example, the programme completes by entering the contra account account and the VAT code.

Rules automation

As in the example, if there is only one transaction left to complete, you can register it manually or you can create a special rule for this transaction as well.

Further manual completion

If, after applying the rule, you need to further complete or verify transactions, it may be useful to make these transactions easy to find:

  • In the Recurring Transactions table, assign a colour to the rule row. Subsequently, when you import, the colour will be assigned to the import row in the Transactions table.
  • Enter a temporary value in the column which needs to be completed.

Transactions before applying rules
Rules automation

In the example, [Doc] is entered in the Link column, which means that the transaction is to be linked to the document file.

Definition of the rule
Rules automation

Transactions after the rule application
Rules automation

Create Rules with Apply Rules dialogue

Rules can also be created from the Apply Rules dialogue.
Once created, they are placed in the Recurring Transactions table.

replace contra-account

Create Rules from a transaction

When you are in the Transactions table, you can create a rule:

  • From the menu Actions >  Recurring transactions > Create rule from transaction
  • Right-click with the mouse and choose Create rule from transaction

The transaction row is inserted into the Recurring transactions table, with the text '!Rule' in the Doc column.

Transactions on multiple rows

If the transaction needs to be split and recorded on multiple rows, it is also possible to create '!RuleSplit' rules.

Transactions before applying rules on multiple rows
Rules automation

Rule definition on multiple rows 
Rules automation

Transactions after the applications of the rule on multiple rows 


 Features currently not available

These features, although requested by some users, are not available at the moment:

  • Possibility to change the text of the transaction, to shorten and simplify it.
  • For transactions on several rows, possibility to use formulas, which calculate the amounts based on the amount of the imported transaction.


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