Income & Expense Categories

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In this article

The Categories table presents the Income and Expenses status.
You can freely set: 

In the example below, there are three main groupings:

  • Group 4 - Totals all the Categories that have grouping 4 in their Sum in column (total Income)
  • Group 3 - Totals all the Categories that have grouping 3 in their Sum in column (total Expenses)
  • Group 00  - Totals groups 4 and 3 (Total Income and Expenses), which determine the Result for the accounting period.

regroupement category table

The columns of the Categories table

The main columns of the Categories table are listed below. The display of the columns changes according to the selected View.

You can add additional system columns as well as your own columns via Data > Columns setup.

Enter an asterisk in the row that contains the title, to signal a section change, that will be displayed in the enhanced Statement with groups.
(the asterisk is inserted in the "Operating Result" title row in our example).

If different sections than Income and Expense are planned, such as Cost and Profit centers, another asterisk may be entered on the respective title row. Refer to the Sections page for further details and information.

Enter an identifier (numerical or sign) identical to the one entered for each category in the Sum in column. The totals for each category belonging to the same grouping of the Sum in column will then be added up (in our example, Group 4 totals the Income Category and group 3 the Expenses category).

The category number identifying the exit or entry is entered.

Enter a description for the relative Income or Expense Category. This description is automatically taken from the Category Description column of the Transactions table (if displayed).

Sum in (Gr) 
The code of a group is indicated so that the programme totals the amount of the line in the group.
The heading 'Sum in' has been adopted with the Banana Plus version.
The column name has remained Gr, to maintain compatibility with previous versions of the programme.
Each category has an identifier that is used to define in which group it is to be totalled (in the example, all income categories, in the Sum in column, have the grouping 4, because they are totalled in Group 4, Total Income).

This locked column displays the balance of incoming transactions. The balance will be updated automatically after each registration.

This locked column displays the balance of expenses. The balance will be updated automatically after each registration.

This locked column displays the balance resulting after income and expenses. The balance will be updated automatically after each registration.

Customizing the Categories Table

In the Categories table, you can customize the categories for income (earnings/revenues) and expenses (costs).
The category numbers can be changed, as well as the descriptions.
The categories should not have any opening balance at the beginning of the year, to determine the corresponding annual operating result.

tabella categorie Entrate / Uscite

The Category Card

The category card allows you to have a complete list of accounting transactions involving the same category.

  • To open a category card click on the cell where the category number appears and again a click on the small blue symbol that appears at the top right of the cell.
  • To open multiple category card you must select the Account card command from the Reports menu.
  • To update category cards, as a result of changes in the Transactions table, click on the blue symbol, of the two circular arrows, located in the upper right corner of the category card.

account category

Printing Category cards

To print a category cards, simply view the card from any table (Categories or Transactions) and launch print from the File menu.

To print several or all category cards, click on the Reports > Account cards menu and select the category cards you want to print. Using the filter in the window, you can perform an automatic selection of all accounts, cost centers, segments, groups, etc. More information is available on the Account card page.


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