Import exchange rates

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In this article

This option is only present in Double-entry accounting with multi-currencies.
It lets the user import the exchange rates from another file.

How to proceed:

  1. From the ActionsImport to accounting → menu select Exchange rates. in the Import box
  2. Select the file type * .ac2 of the exchange history or the text file:
  3. With the Browse button, choose the file from where you want to import the data.

Note: Exchange rate history files only show the Foreign exchange rate table and keep a record of past exchange rates.

importare i cambi da uno storico cambi o da un file di testo

A box with the following options are displayed:

importa cambi

Select date

The window lists dates with recently used changes. If you select a date, the program resumes the changes used on that specific date.

Substitute exchange rates

If you activate this option, all the exchange rate rows are replaced in the exchange rate table with the imported ones.

Add rows

If you activate this option, only the exchange rate rows that have different values are updated in the exchange rate table.

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