Contacts table

Documentation •
In this article

The Contacts table displays the columns where you can enter customer addresses.

Contact addresses will be immediately available in the invoice dialogue when creating or editing the invoice, simplifying data entry.

Changing the data in the Contacts table does not change the data of existing invoices and offers. If you want an existing invoice or offer to be updated  with the new customer data, you must:

  • Change the invoice or the estimate in the invoice dialogue.
  • You must select the customer again from the list in the customer address section.

Contacts table

The columns

The Contacts table contains many columns, those displayed in the image are those in the Basic view. The complete list is visible in the Complete view. To customise the columns see the Columns Setup page.


The contact number is entered.


Enter the name of the company or organisation.

Title (Prefix)

Enter the title of the contact


Enter the name of the contact.

Family name

Enter the surname of the contact.


Enter the address.

Address extra

Enter extra address.
If you require the QR invoice layout, refer to the documentation Common elements for the QR invoice Switzerland for further information.


Enter the postcode.


Enter the location.

Country code

Enter the Country code.

The country code must be formed by two characters conforming to the ISO 3166-1 standard (eg CH, LI, AT, DE, IT, FR).


Enter the customer's language.

Invoice texts are printed in the customer's language, provided that it is set in the corresponding column.
The language is an ISO code, usually 2 lowercase letters (it=Italian, de=German, en=English, fr=French).

If no language is specified for the customer, the language of the file is used. This language is defined in the menu File → File properties (basic data) → Other → Current language.

Tax Code

Enter the customer's tax code

VAT number

Enter the customer's VAT number


Any notes may be inserted.


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