In this article In Banana Accounting Plus you can print reminders in two different ways:Print reminders from the Print reminders dialogThe reminder is based on the customer's open balance.Function available in Banana Accounting Plus - any plan (excluding Free plan limitations).Uses the Payment reminder (Banana+) Layout. The print is without QR payment slip.Limited customizations.Print reminders from the Print Invoices dialogueThe reminder is created from the unpaid invoice.Do not use this mode if the customer account has a partial open balance that does not correspond to a specific invoice.Requires the Banana Accounting + ( version 10.1.7 or more recent) and the Advanced plan.Uses the CH10 Invoice layout (with QR code printing) and UNI11Customizations provided by the layouts Printer-friendly version Table of contents Print Invoice dialogue reminders Book traversal links for Stampa Richiami ‹ Print Estimates Up Print Reminders from the Print Invoice dialogue ›