Export to Html

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To export to Html click on the File menu → Export file → Export to Html.

esporta file da Banana in Html

File Name

In this area, the user must insert the name of the new Html file that the program will create to export the data. If however the user selects an existing file through the Browse button, the program will overwrite it with the new data.

Display file immediately

As soon as the Html file has been created, the software to view it will be launched. In this way, the result of the export can be seen immediately. It is best to remember that browsers like Mozilla and MS Explorer use a cache mechanism for files. When the export is made for a second time, it is possible that the user will see the previous version until the browser Reload button is pressed.

File creation options

Headers 1, 2 and 3

These are the file headers.

Other Options

For the explanation of other tabs, please visit the following pages:


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