Due dates and payment terms

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The due date of an invoice can be set up in different ways: 

  • Generalized due date - identical due date for all invoices
    Select menu ReportsCustomers → Settings General → Invoices are due, indicate the period (in days) after which the invoice is considered due. As an example, if the date of your document is the 10th of May and you enter a value of 10 days, the due date will be the 20th of May. 
  • Due dates per customer - specific for each customer
    In the Accounts table, a DateExpiration column is available (if not on display set up via Data → Columns setup ...). The period (in days) after which the invoice is considered to be due can be set up in this column.
  • Specific dates per invoice
    In the Transactions table, Due dates view, the Date Exp. column is visble; you can indicate the expiration date directly in this column.
  • Alternative text for the expiration date
    It is possible to define a text of your choice as a payment term for each invoice. This will replace the text of the expiration date. Revert to Advanced input -Type column for detailed information.

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