Invoice Layouts

Invoice layouts are extensions of Banana Accounting, which manage the printing of invoice data. In order to print the invoice you must choose a layout.

Installing the Print Layout

In order to use a print layout it must first be installed locally.

Once a layout has been installed it will appear in the print invoice dialogue and can be chosen for printing.

There are templates for Accounts or Offers and Invoices files that use predefined layouts that are pre-set in the File Properties > Other tab and are automatically installed when you open the file.

Customising invoice printing

You can customise invoice printing and also create exports in other formats. See page:

Recommended layouts Banana Accounting Plus

The two layouts indicated here CH10 and UNI11 are the most advanced layouts and allow for greater customization. They can only be used in Banana Accounting Plus. The two layouts have the same characteristics. In the CH10 layout, you have the possibility to print the QR code for Switzerland.

Banana 9 Layout (out of date)

  • For Switzerland from CH01 to CH09 and also allow PVR slips to be printed.
  • The international ones from UNI01 to UNI08 are the same as CH01/08 but without the PVR slip.

They have a limited degree of customisation. To change the print format, the layout must be changed.

The PVR slip is no longer accepted in Switzerland as of 1 October 2022 and is replaced by the QR Code.

Banana 9 layouts CANNOT create the QR code. If you need the QR code please visit the Banana Accounting Plus Swiss QR Code page.

List of available Layouts

Below is the complete list of available layouts, with a preview and link to the specific page.

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