Terms of use and development of Banana Extensions

In this article

Banana Extensions and Templates terms of use

The Banana Extensions, plug-ins and templates are available for free.

Banana.ch is already offering a great selection of free tools, and intends to improve it even more, thanks to community development.
The users themselves have contributed and are still contributing to the creation and improvement of the Banana Extensions and templates.
The more users participate in the development, testing and improving , the higher will be the offer made available for everyone.

For the use of any material and the Banana Extensions the licenses and specific legal conditions Banana.ch SA are applicable, which are deemed accepted by the users, from the moment they access our site, the documentation, or from the moment they download or use any material.

Community development

The development of the Banana Extensions, templates and any other material is carried forward with a community approach and an open source mode. All developed material is made available to everyone for free, in accordance with the licenses, applicable for a specific project that is on github.com/BananaAccounting .
As a general rule, the Apache 2.0 license applies, but some Banana Extensions also use libraries subject to specific licenses. The user is bound to comply to all applicable licenses.

The Apache 2.0, among other things, also states that:

  • it is possible to use and distribute the software for any purpose.
  • it is possible to freely edit and adapt the software.
  • there is no guarantee that the application will work as one might expect.
  • there is no liability, on the part of developers, on how the software will be used, on its reliability for a specific use or for any errors or inaccuracies.

This limitation of liability is essential, because it allows users to give their own contribution, without worrying about responsibility issues.  Whoever takes part in the development and improvement of the documentation does its best, but can not ensure that the solution is suitable for a specific use or context. Furthermore regulations change quite often and a solution could become old and inapplicable.

The offered material is therefore suitable for people willing to check directly or with an accountant, that what is made available is suitable for them, regardless of the descriptions and documentation provided.

Request for new developments

Banana.ch has a specific branch that focuses on assistance, consulting support and the devolpment of new Banana Extensions and accounting templates.

Please contact us indicating your specific needs.

  • Please specify:
    • the required result.
      If it is a printout, please provide us with an Excel or Word example.
    • a file with the accounting data (better if fictional and test data) that needs to be printed.
  • Estimate and participation in development costs:
    • If the development is specific to certain needs, recruitment or participation in costs is required.
    • Usually the estimate is based on the development time needed.
      If the application might be useful for multiple users, Banana.ch is willing to partially offer the developments for free.
    • our Terms and Conditions and license conditions apply
    • Unless otherwise agreed, developments are carried out and made available in accordance to the Apache 2.0 license agreement (see wikipedia explanation).
    • The developed solutions can made available to all the community
  • Unless otherwise specifically indicated, it is assumed the use of the latest version of the Banana Accounting software.

Import extension development

If a suitable format for importing data from your bank or other organisation does not already exist, you can ask our developers to create an import extension.

So that we can create or update an import extension for a specific file format.

  • Evaluation of the request:
    • Depends on the complexity of the development and the possibility that the import may affect other users.
    • A share in the development or update costs may be required.
  • To evaluate the request, it is necessary to send:
    • An updated example file with some movements (without private personal information).
    • The exact details of the bank or organisation that generated the file.
    • The date on which the file was generated.
  • We will evaluate whether to proceed with the creation of the file and if so:
    • We will use the example file sent to us as a reference and for testing, whereby the content will be publicly available.
    • Unless otherwise agreed, the extension will be developed according to the open source method.
    • The extension will generally be available for installation to Advanced Plan holders.
  • There is no guarantee that the extension will be constantly updated.
    In fact, it often happens that banks change format without giving any notice.


Support to third party developers

Banana.ch SA supports the shared development with

  • Free assistance.
  • Free development license.
  • Possibly also a financial support

Developers interested in starting a project are asked to contact Banana.ch, submitting a detailed concept.


Help us improve the documentation

We welcome feedback on how to improve this page.

Tell us what theme needs a better explanation or how to clarify a topic.

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