Documentation Banana Accounting 9

In this article

New version Banana Accounting Plus

Banana Accounting 9 was last updated in 2019; it has not been developed nor tested with the new operating systems since then. Banana 9 is to be considered unstable with the new Windows 11 and the latest versions of Windows 10, Mac OSX 11 Big Sur, macOS 12 Monterey, macOS 13 Ventura: there have been reports of problems with certain configurations and devices.

If you want an always up-to-date version, switch to Banana Accounting Plus.

Below you will find links to key topics and the various pages of Banana Accounting 9 documentation.

Installation under Windows, Mac and Linux

Accounting types

Accounting templates and examples

VAT management - basic knowledge

VAT management for Switzerland

Year's End and New Year


How to start


Advanced features

Data import and export


Useful information

Documentation of previous versions


This documentation is outdated

The most complete and up-to-date documentation is the one of Banana Accounting Plus: Try it now

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