In this article
The account card corresponds to the Ledger and allows you to have a complete list of accounting movements concerning the same account, the same categories (income & expense accounting and cash manager), a cost centre, segments and groups.
Opening the Account card
There are two methods to open an account card or a category card:
- Select the Account/category Card (Cash book and Income & Expense accounting) command or the Account card (Double-entry accounting) command of the Account1 menu in order to open and print several or all account cards.
- On the account number cell there is a small blue symbol; click on it just once in order to obtain the account card.
The groups of the Chart of accounts have the same symbol available as well, in order to display the account card.
Updating the accounting card
The account card table is temporary and it is calculated when the command is given to do so. If, in the Transactions table, transactions are altered or added, they are not automatically updated on the account card - the user needs to select the Account Cards command again or click, in the Transactions table, once more on the account number's blue symbol, or in case the account card is still open, click on the small Refresh button on the right side (see image hereunder).
It is not possible to modify the data in the Account card. Double-click on the row number to go back to the original corresponding row of the Transactions or Budget table.
The AccountSelected column
In the AccountSelected column, which can be made visible, starting from any Account card, through the Data menu -> Columns setup, the account on which the transaction took place is being displayed.
When you get an account card of one or more accounts, groups and segments, you will see the exact account that has been used.
The contra account in the account cards
In the Account cards, the Contra Account column (C-Acct.), which indicates the account that completes the transaction, is being shown.
When there are transactions on multiple accounts (transactions on multiple rows) as in the example hereunder, and there is one account entered in debit and several accounts in credit, or the other way around, the software deducts the possible contra account using the following logic:
- In the first transaction row, the 1020 account is considered the common contra account of the transactions that follow.
- On the Account card 1020, the composed transaction (Payment various invoices) shows the contra account indicated by the [*] symbol. It is impossible to have the indication of the contra accounts directly in the account card, because the account has several contra accounts (4500, 6700, 6700). For this reason the program indicates the [*] symbol in the C-Acct (Conta-Account) column, which means that we are dealing with a transaction on multiple accounts.
- On the Account cards of the next transaction rows (4500, 6700, 6700), the common contra account is indicated between square brackets ("[1020]"), and indicates a deducted contra account.
Cards of groups and classes
In the Account card of a group or a class, all the transactions of the accounts that belong to the selected group or class are being grouped together.
The accounts of the group or the class can be displayed by making the AccountSelected column visible.
Print the Ledger (all account cards)
To print the Account cards:
- Account1 menu, Account cards command
- By means of the Filter, all the account cards that need to be printed completely or partially (for example, only accounts, cost centers, segments) can be automatically selected
- In the various sections Period, Options, Composition, activate the desired options (for ex. period, 1 account per page, ...)
- Press OK to confirm, after having selected the desired options.
For the explanations of the different tabs, please visit the next few pages: Accounts/Categories tab, Period and Options.
The program will show the selected account cards.
In order to print, choose the Print command from the File menu.
When you have activated the Budget table in your file, you may choose which transactions you want to see (actual transactions or budget transactions).
Include a logo in the account cards
From Banana Accounting 9 it is possible to include a logo in the account cards printout as well. After obtaining your account cards details (with the Account1 -> Account cards command), go to File menu -> Print preview command. From the print preview click on the the Setup icon, and in the dialog window that will open, in the Logo option, seleg your logo insted of the none option.
You can also check the how to setup a logo page.
Save the settings
In case you regularly print the account cards of specific accounts, for example, all those that concern the Sales accounts, it is useful to create a specific composition.
- Go to the Composition tab
- Create a new composition, using the New button
- Indicate the name of the composition, for example "Sales accounts", in the Description field of the window
- Select the accounts that you want to be printed.
Every time you wish to print these accounts, you can select the composition that you created.
Page setup
In Page setup, you can specify the margins & other settings of the page.