Page setup

In this article

Allows to define the Printing properties.
Each View of the table has its own own print setting. The name of the view is indicated in the dialogue title.

Header left

This is where the title for the current view is shown. The title can be edited to appear at the top left of the printed page.

Header right

It is possible to enter a different text that will be printed at the top right-hand side of the page.


Press the Change button on the right and then select Add, as we also explain in the Setup a logo page; add your own logo.
Back to the Page setup window, choose Logo instead of none.


It is possible to input the page margins here: Left, Right, Top, Bottom. Measurements are in centimeters.

Shrink page to printable area

This function makes it possible to adapt the printable area when the print goes past the earlier defined page margins.

Include in print

When these functions are being activated, they allow to display the following data:

File Headers

This is the text that is being entered in the File and Accounting properties found in the File menu.

Page Headers

The page header will also be included in the printout.

Table Name

The table header (f.i. Accounts, Transactions, etc.) is also being included in the printout.

Column headers

These are the headers for the various table columns.

Large font

The program prints the headers using a slightly larger font.

Page break

When activated, this option maintains the entered page breaks; if not, they will be ignored, even if they are present.

Page numbers

Activate this option to request that the pages be numbered.

Print time

Activate this option to include the hour when the page was printed.

Print date

Activate this option to include the date when the page was printed.

Row number

Activate this option if a progressive number is to be given to each row.


The grid can be printed just as it is viewed on screen.


The program automatically adapts the page dimension.

Font size %

This allows the increase or decrease, on a percentage basis, of the size of the font to be printed.

Reduce to page width

If some columns exceed the width of the page, the program reduces the columns or reduces the zoom so that all the columns will be printed correctly on the page.

As on screen

The print-out will be carried out exactly as presented on the screen.

In case the contents goes past the page dimension:

  • If the option "Reduce to page width" is being activated, the font size will be reduced;
  • If the option "Reduce to page width" is not being activated, the part that goes past the paper will not be printed.

Print black and white

All colors will be converted in grey scales.

Print landscape

To print in landscape format which makes the page read horizontal.


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