Examples of QR invoice printouts


This page shows some examples of possible printouts of QR invoices.

Invoice with default settings

Example print:
tutorial qr invoice default

Invoice with logo

Via  File → Logo setup:

Example invoice with logo aligned on the left and text on the right:
tutorial qr invoice logo left

Example invoice with logo aligned on the right and text on the left:
tutorial qr invoice logo right

Invoice without logo and company header on the left

Go the the File > Logo setup window:

  • Do not add any logo image
  • As Text position enter the following settings:
    • Relative position to logo: To the left
    • Horizontal align: Left
  • Go to the Customization section and in the Name field enter a name for the customization (e.g., "Logo").

Settings for company address on the page top-left

Now go to the invoice setup dialog window, in the Print → Header part:

  • Check the Page header checkbox
  • Check the Logo checkbox (although no logo image will be shown)
  • In the field Composition for logo and header alignment enter the name of the customization that you previously defined in the Logo Setup > Customization > Name dialog (e.g., "Logo").

Logo settings in the invoice layout

Printout example:

Example of invoice with company address on the top-left without logo

Invoice with customer address on the left

Via the templates for invoices dialog, in the client Address section:

  • Define the composition of the address by specifying the XML names of the address columns of the Accounts table.
  • Check the Align left box to print the address on the left and the part of the information on the right.

    invoice dialog settings address left

Printout example:
tutorial qr invoice address left

Invoice with headings and intermediate totals

In some cases it may be useful to add headers and intermediate totals in the invoice details.

In the Transactions table, define the header and intermediate totals rows using the Column type column:

  • Header lines: enter the command 10: hdr and the text in the Description column.
  • Intermediate totals rows: enter the command 10: tot and the text in the Description column.

    invoice headers and subtotals

Multi-page invoice example:
tutorial qr invoice with headers and subtotals    tutorial qr invoice with headers and subtotals

Invoice with shipping address and Description and Amount columns

Via the templates for invoices dialog:

  • Check the Shipping address box in the Customer address section.
  • In the Invoice Details section, define:
    • The names of the columns to use, specifying the XML names of the Transactions table columns.
    • The width of each column.
    • The alignments of titles and texts of the columns.
  • In the Texts section, define the header text of each column.
    Add the translation for each language you intend to use.
  • invoice dialog settings shipping address

Invoice printout example with other settings:
tutorial qr invoice shipping address

Use columns from the Transactions table


In some cases it may prove useful to include a dedicated column (not predefined in the program)for invoice details, such as a column in which to indicate the date of execution of a job.

Column creation:

  • With the Columns setup command, add a column in the Transactions table.
    Each proper column of type Data must begin with the word Date (eg DateWork, DateExecution, DateXXX).
  • Enter your postings to create the invoice and in this column indicate the date of execution of the job.

Via the templates for invoices dialog:

  • In the Invoice Details section define:
    • The names of the columns to use, specifying the XML names of the Transactions table columns.
      Insert the column created in this way: T.DateWork (the own columns must be preceded by "T.")
    • The width of each column.
    • The alignments of titles and texts of the columns.
    • View the Gross amounts box to use gross amounts with VAT included.
  • In the Texts section, define the header text of each column.
    Add the translation for each language you intend to use.
    invoice dialog settings custom column

Invoice printout example:
tutorial qr invoice custom column

Invoice with initial, final text, notes and greetings

Define the initial texts in the Transactions table, notes and greetings using the Type column:

  • Initial text: enter the command 10: beg and the text in the Description column.
  • Note: enter the 10: not command and the text in the Description column
  • Greetings: enter the command 10: gre and the text in the Description column. 
  • The text inserted between the double asterisks (**) will be displayed in bold.

    invoice begin and final texts

Via the templates for invoices dialog:

  • In the Texts section, define the final text to be included immediately after the invoice details.
    The text inserted between the double asterisks (**) will be displayed in bold.

    invoice dialog settings texts

Invoice printout example:
tutorial qr invoice begin and final texts

Invoice with no amount

It is used when you want to leave the possibility of choosing the amount to be paid to the person making the payment (for example for a donation).
In the QR part the amount is excluded, leaving an empty box to enter the amount by hand.

In the Transactions table enter the donation record without the amount.

Invoice donation transaction

Through the invoice settings dialog, in the QR Code section check the Exclude invoice amount box.

Invoice settings to obtain a QR invoice with no amount

Example of invoice printing:

Tutorial invoice donation without amount




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