Items table | Library and collections

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In this table you can enter your items data: they can refer to valuables, books or other.
There are different ways of entering the items data: copy and paste from Excel, automatic data retrieving from the Internet, etc.
See detailed explanations below.

Library, Items table



There are various columns and it is also possible to add new ones.

  • Id: the item number that has to be attributed.
    The F6 key assigns the number progressively.
    It is also possible to use a prefix. For example: A-001,  after that, the program suggests A-002.
  • ISBN
    The International Standard Book Number.
    When entering the ISBN in the Id column and pressing the F6 key (⌘+6 on Mac), the program automatically completes all the book's data in the other columns, incorporating them from the Google database, provided there is an internet connection available.
    Any already present information will be overwritten.
    For more information see: Google documentation.
    • The data in the Google database are not always complete. For example, the title might be present, but the editor or other data might be missing.
    • In order to know which data are available on Google, please visit the following page:, entering after q= the book's ISBN number.
      If you see "totalItems: 0" it means that the book is NOT in Google's database
      If you see a page in a JSon format (programmers format) with the book's data, it means that the book IS in Google's database.
  • Title
    Is the title of the work.
  • Author
    There can be several authors entered, separating them with semicolon ";".
  • Publisher
    There can be several editors entered, separating them with semicolon ";".
  • Return date
    The projected return date for this item.
    This column is automatically completed according to the checked out item.


Entering books data

Book data can be entered in different ways:

  • Manual insertion - You can manually enter the books data in the Items table (see previous paragraph)
  • Retrieve data from Excel - If you already have a list of books from another program or Excel, you can simply copy/paste the data.
    In order to copy / paste the data you need to make sure the columns in Excel as arranged in the same order as in Banana. If the column order is the same in both programs you can copy the data in block, otherwise you need to proceed column by column. The copy/paste operation is possible from Excel or from txt files. 
  • Retrieve book data automatically from the internet - The ISBN column is very useful if you have an Internet connection: each book has an ISBN code (internationally recognized and generally written on the back of the cover); If you enter a book's ISBN code on the appropriate column in Banana and press the F6 key (or Cmd + 6 for Mac), the program automatically retrieves the books data from the Internet and inserts all data (title, author, publisher, etc. even a small summary).
  • If the book has different authors or publishers, just separate the names with a semi-comma ";" - they will also be found individually in searches (for example if you need to find all the books of a certain author).



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