In this article
This mode is under development and is currently only available in the Experimental version. Users who have files created with older versions must convert their file.
To manage working hours for projects, add the required columns in the Journal table.
There are two ways to manage project hours:
- Work with the Projects table.
- Work with the Work1, Work2 columns, etc.
Manage projects in the Projects table
You will need to add the Projects table if using this method:
Tools menu → Add new functionalities → Add table: Projects
The following columns are available in the Projects table:
- Id - enter an id unique for each project
- Description - enter the name/description the project.
- Notes - enter any additionally required notes.
Adding the Projects table will automatically add the Projects Id and Projects Description columns in the Journal table.
Display the following columns in the Journal table via the Data → Columns display ... menu:
- RowType (Type) column - enter D if you wish to separate the detail of the project hours from the total of hours worked.
- TimeDetailTotal (Detail) - is a protected column. If D has been entered in the Type column, the program calculates and displays the total project hours projects separately.
- If the Type column is empty, the program calculates and displays the total of project hours in the Total column.
Enter project hours
The hours dedicated to projects can be managed within their own worksheet.
To separate the hours of work done, from the project hours of, it is necessary to:
- Position yourself on the line of the day to which you want to add the project (or projects).
- Via Utilities1 → Add row Day add a new row.
- Enter D in the Type column if you want to separate the detail of the project hours from the total hours worked. Leave blank, if you want the total project hours to be added to the hours worked (Total column).
- Enter the Id of the project, as set up in the Id table. The project description is automatically displayed.
- Enter the start and end time of the project.
The program calculates and updates the Total, Due, Difference and Progressive columns
Manage projects in the Work1, Work2 (etc) table
As an alternative to the Projects table to manage project hours, it is possible to use the Work1, Work2 (etc.) columns.
Each column refers to the hours of a different project. The program includes two predefined columns, but you can add other columns under condition that TimeWork3, TimeWork4... is inserted in the Xml name of the New column window (menu: Data → Columns setup ... → Add).
Via Data → Columns setup, display the following columns in the Journal:
- RowType (Type) column - enter D if you wish to separate the detail of the project hours from the total of hours worked.
- TimeDetailTotal (Detail) column - is a protected column. If D has been entered in the Type column, the program calculates and displays the total project hours projects separately.
- If the Type column is empty, the program calculates and displays the total of project hours in the Total column.
Enter project hours
The hours dedicated to projects can be managed within their own worksheet.
To separate the hours of work done from the project hours, it is necessary to:
- Position yourself on the line of the day to which you want to add the project (or projects).
- Via Utilities1 → Add row Day add a new row.
- Enter D in the Type column if you want to separate the detail of the project hours from the total hours worked. Leave blank,k if you want the total project hours to be added to the hours worked (Total column).
- Enter the Id of the project, as set up in the Id table. The project description is automatically displayed.
- Enter the start and end time of the project.
The program calculates and updates the Total, Due, Difference and Progressive columns.