Columns - add

In this article

In the Balance sheet, Profit and Loss Statement and in the Notes, it is possible to add new columns (from the ones included in the list), or to delete the undesired ones. Starting from the Account1 menu -> Enhanced Balance sheet with groups -> Columns -> Advanced button -> Add button.

If one or more options are being activated, the program includes:

Accounts Table Columns

If you click on the header a list of all the columns of the Accounts Table will be shown:
You can then inlcude in the printout any column existing in the Accounts Table

Accounting amounts

These are the columns with the amounts calculated by the program, the opening balances and the entered transactions, for the indicated period or for the subdivision period

Amount in the Account currency
The account balances in foreign currencies will also be displayed.

The balances of the current year will be displayed.

The Opening balances will be displayed.

Previous (period)
The balances of the previous period are being displayed (month, quarter, semester, etc).

Previous Year
The balances of the previous year are being displayed.

YTD (Year To Date)
This column is only available in the Profit & Loss Statement. The balances from the beginning of the year until the last transaction date are being displayed.

Budget amounts

See also Budget information. These are the columns with the amounts calculated by the program based on the budget amounts entered in the Accounts Table or in the Budget Table. If you created the Budget table and if some rows have been entered, the program will use the data of this table for its calculation, even if there are values in the Budget column of the Accounts Table.

Budget (Current period)
The amounts related to the foreseen budget of the current period are being displayed.

Budget Previous
The amounts related to the foreseen budget of the previous period are being displayed.

Budget Previous Year
The amounts related to the foreseen budget of the previous year are being displayed.

Notes on calculation period

The program cannot calculate amounts for periods overlapping between several accounting years or years with initial and final accounting dates that do not match.



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