How to start

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The most complete and up-to-date documentation is the one of Banana Accounting Plus: Try it now

In this article

An even easier start with the new templates

In the new Banana Accounting Plus version, the start of a new accounting is made easier because many predefined templates for every need are included directly in the program. If you don't have specific accounting knowledge, you can use the new Income/Expense templates or the Cash Manager with descriptive accounts. The work will be intuitive, fast and professional.

We advise you to immediately switch to Banana Accounting Plus and take advantage of the many new features.

In order to create a new a new accounting file, choose the New command from the File menu

In the Group section all the different applications are listed. Choose the one that meets your needs.

In this section you can select the characteristics of the chosen application. You can choose between the plain version, with the VAT management, with a second currency or with more than one currency.

By selecting the language you will see predefined example/models that you can use to start and that can be personalized. All the template data and settings (language, decimal rounding, ..) will be used.
Once you have personalized the template you need to save the file with a new name.


In order to star a new accounting file there are two possibilities:

  1. Start from a pre-defined example and adapt it to your own needs - suggested method
  2. Create a new empty file with an accounting plan to be created from scratch

First method:

  • Select the Double-entry accounting Group, then, in the File section choose Double-entry or Double-entry with VAT/Sales tax
  • In the Examples/Templates section select the language/country and choose one of the examples that most meets your requirements
  • Enter the File and accounting properties

You can find more detailed information about this window at the File and accounting properties page

  • Save the file under a new name (Save as...)
  • In the Accounts Table, make all the necessary changes to personalize your charts of accounts: you can add or delete lines, change the accounts numbers and descriptions, create more groups, etc.

For example, in the following image the 1020 account description has been changed.



In case an account is missing, just move to the Accounts table, add a new row and complete it with the account number, the description, the Bclass and the Group in order to create a new account.

For more information on how to create a Chart of Accounts, please consult the section Groupings in the Chart of Accounts

Second method:

  • Select the Double-entry accounting Group, then, in the File section choose Double-entry or Double-entry with VAT/Sales tax
  • In the Examples/Templates section select the language/country and choose the New blank file option