Technical data

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The most complete and up-to-date documentation is the one of Banana Accounting Plus: Try it now

In this article

Applications and accounting types

Banana is a native application for Windows, Linux and Mac and includes fonctions that allows the user to manage different types of accounting files:

  • Income & Expense accounting
    • Income & Expense accounting (income and expenses of several accounts)
    • Cash book (income and expenses of one single account)
  • Double-entry accounting
    • Double-entry accounting
    • Multi-currency accounting
  • Labels

Every application can be set up with or without VAT/Sales tax and includes:

  • Accounting plans divided by language
  • Accounting plans with VAT
  • Specific accounting plans for different countries
  • Accounting plans for small companies (for the family, non-profit organizations, professional studios, shopkeepers, churches, etc.) 

All the different types show a resemblance with the Microsoft Office software and operate in a similar way: windows, tables, data selection, copy and paste, find and replace data, undo and redo operation, printouts with various options, data protection, password, etc.


Main interface/Accounting/ Files

  • Multilingual: English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Portugese and Dutch NEW
  • Main graphic interface easier and more user friendly - computers with small screens such as notebooks will benefit the most  NEW
  • Management of multiple accountings: there are no limits with regard to the amount of accounting files that can be managed
  • Every file contains an accounting. There is no limit to the amount of files
  • Every file can be saved, moved or copied on whichever type of support  (local files, network, CD, USB sticks)
  • Favorite files list - it allows to access your most used files with a single click NEW
  • Possibility of protecting the Composition settings NEW
  • Autosave of the work in a temporary file  (Auto backup + file name)
  • Possibility of creating a copy of a file, with or without the transactions
  • Every file of a specific type can be converted into another type
  • For each accounting type, the set up of the currency can be selected by the user
  • With the Open command from the File menu, the folder, in which the current accounting has been saved, will be opened. NEW



  • All the Charts of accounts for Switzerland have been updated according to the new legal regulations NEW
  • Unlimited number of accounts/categories
  • Numeric or alphanumeric accounts up to 256 characters
  • Free setup of groupings and totaling (up to a 100 levels of totaling)
  • Automatic totals recalculation (possibility of switching it to manual)
  • Account/category numbers can be adapted to any kind of national requirement
  • Accounts can be added or cancelled at any moment
  • Double clicking on an acount/category number doesn't open the account card anymore (it goes into editing mode instead). In order to open the account card you need to click on the little blue arrow in the top right corner of the cell  NEW
  • From the account/category card, by double clicking in the row number (underlined as a link), you can open the Transactions table at the corresponding row, so it can be edited  NEW
  • Opening balance, actual balance
  • Budget and difference between budget and balance (for the entire accounting period)
  • Transactions and balance by period
  • Balance of the previous year and difference with the previous year
  • Account cards, complete or by period, with indication of the balancing entry
  • Multi-currency: accounts in more than one currency
  • Display of the amounts in the account currency as well as in basic currency



  • Unlimited number of transactions
  • Corrections are also possible with no need to make a reverse transaction
  • Possibility of editing texts directly in the cell NEW
  • Smart fill (automatic completion of already used texts) directy from the cell, with possibility of filtering the texts NEW
  • In the Date field, by entering the "." key the current date is entered NEW
  • Automatic completion of the account number directly in the debit or credit cell (a drop down menu will appear with the list of all accounts) NEW
  • In the Status bar, the information on the number of selected amounts, apart from their total, has been added. NEW
  • In the Multi-currency accounting, also the changes with a date are being used for the completion of the transactions NEW
  • The position of the current cell is hightlighted in the row number and in the column heather NEW
  • Possibility to add and cancel transactions at any moment
  • Recurring transactions can also be retrieved from the smartlist by pressing Enter or by selecting them with the mouse NEW
  • Automatic totalisation also possible with the selection of individual, non contiguous cells (key Ctrl + mouse) NEW
  • Simple transactions or on several accounts
  • Possibility to insert links to digital documents (PDF, JPEG…)
  • "Rename" command, which allows the user to modify an account or VAT code with automatic replacement in the transactions
  • Automatic completion of dates and account numbers
  • Search of the account number from the description
  • Automatic completion of the transactions (even based on previous year's transactions)
  • Possibility of memorizing repetitive transactions
  • Sorting of transactions by date, document date, value date, payment date, expiration date
  • For multiple transactions, the still missing amount is displayed
  • Command for searching transaction differences
  • Journal: complete or by period


VAT Management

  • Table to define VAT codes
  • Possibility to add or edit VAT codes at any moment
  • For each VAT code, the number of the Swiss VAT Declaration form is present, in order to facilitate the periodical VAT Declaration.
  • Account Automatic VAT already defined in the File and Accounting Properties (Basic Data)
  • Automatic calculation and splitting of VAT
  • Splitting and VAT report also on foreign currency amounts
  • Uniformity of calculation and splitting of VAT
  • Swiss VAT report, both for the effective method and the flat tax rate method, already integrated in the program. Data should be manually copied on the official VAT form NEW
  • VAT form with flat tax rate method: the form also works with the automatic VAT splitting (with the percentage defined in the VAT table) NEW
  • Possibility to define the VAT percentages based on the gross or the net amount
  • The accounts on which the VAT should be registered can be freely defined
  • The groupings for the totaling are defined directly in the VAT table
  • Supplementary column for external groupings
  • Possibility to freely define rounding with multiples (for instance 0.05)
  • Rounding system defined for all or for a single code
  • Possibility to split the VAT from the gross, the net, or only the VAT amount itself
  • VAT deductible also if only partial
  • Possibility to connect a VAT code to an account
  • VAT/Sales tax reports, global or by period
  • VAT Reports with protected personal settings (Compositions) NEW
  • The VAT report can be obtained with transactions and totals by code, account, percentage, or using the user’s own grouping scheme 
  • VAT Code for importing
  • VAT reports can be exported in Excel / HTML / XML


Reports and Balance Sheets

  • In the Income & Expense accounting, the Enhanced statement with groups has been added NEW
  • Balance sheets and reports with previous years and budget data NEW
  • Possibility of creating budgets also by period and comparison with final balances NEW
  • Reports with income and expenses being displayed and definition of capital (Cash book and Income & Expense accounting) NEW
  • In the Enhanced balance sheet by groups, the columns "Diff. Budget" and "Currency 2" can be included NEW
  • In the Balance sheet by groups of the Multi-currency accounting the Currency symbol is being displayed NEW
  • In the Enhanced balance sheet and in the Enhanced balance sheet by groups, a zoom (font size) greater than 100% can be applied NEW
  • In "Create PDF file" of the Income & Expense accounting, it is possible to include the Enhanced balance sheet and the Enhanced Balance sheet by groups NEW
  • In the External accounting reports, also the columns of the "Amount" type, defined by the user, are being totalized NEW
  • In the Enhanced balance sheet by groups, the Budget amounts are adapted to the selected period and subdivision NEW
  • Detailed balance sheets, also with subgroups (Double-entry accounting and Income & Expense accounting) NEW
  • Possibility of creating reports and balance sheets using Compositions (protected personal settings) NEW
  • Possibility of editing and updating accounting reports with account card directly in the table NEW
  • Possibilty of editing accounting reports and select favorite settings directly in the print preview NEW
  • Different styles available (default balance sheet models)
  • Possibility to modify the headers of the Balance sheet and the Profit & loss Statement
  • Possibility to customize Balance sheets and reports by selecting different colors
  • Possibility to exclude groups, subgroups and accounts from Balance sheets and reports
  • Balance sheets and reports by period
  • The data requested for a specific period can at their turn be presented by period



  • Balance sheets and reports saved in Excel, Html, Xml, Pdf or copied to clipboard
  • Segments are a kind of cost center without limits as to classification or levels. They are very usefull to obtain reports pertaining to projects or other reports related to main expenses and revenue
  • The segments are being inserted simultaneously with the debit and credit account.
  • Reports by segment


Cost and Profit centers

  • Directly defined in the chart of accounts
  • Have the same characteristics as the accounts
  • Possibility to also manage cost centers in foreign currency
  • Up to three types of cost centers for every transaction
  • Possibility to make entries with or without the VAT amount included
  • Periodical cost center reports available


Transfer to the New Year

  • Automatic allocation of profit/loss for the accounting period  (Double-entry accounting)
  • Cration of the "Profit or loss of the current year" group in the Liabilities to obtain the balance between assets and liabilities
  • Guided opening of the new year with the creation of a new file
  • Transfer of the Chart of accounts, of the VAT table and the opening balances
  • Possibility to open a new year even if the previous one has not yet been closed
  • Possibility to carry forward the final closing balances of the previous year


Protection and storage of data

Data protection

  • The rows can be locked in order to avoid manipulations
  • Possibility of setting up a password
  • Protection of the rows can also be done by selection
  • System based on the electronic signature technique
  • Patented method US Patent Nº 7,020,640
  • Transactions lock up to a defined date
  • Calculates the control numbers to verify the authenticity of the data
  • Verifies whether the locked data have been manipulated
  • Indicates possible manipulations in detail
  • Lock information reports
  • Possibility of removing the lock


All data can be stored in archives, and saved in a PDF format.


Data export

  • Export in HTML
  • Export in Excel
  • Export in XML
  • Export in PDF - the number of pages is limited to 65'000
  • Global or periodical exportation
  • Possibility of creating Compositions for each data export, with specific setting that can also be protected  NEW
  • Exportation of text files with fields separated by tabs, in Ascii or Utf8 (Unicode) characters, with the entire table or only selected rows


Data import

  • Import ISO 20022: added to the importation the camt.052, camt.053 and camt.054 formats NEW
  • Bank statements in ISO 20022 (*.xml) and MT940 (*.txt) format can be opened and displayed directly in Banana NEW
  • Import bank statement in ISO 20022 format - the standart format adopted by all banks and institutes NEW
  • Import bank statements from different banks (UBS, Credit Suisse, Raifffeisen Bank, ...) directly from Banana - no need to import and update import filters for each bank anymore NEW
  • In the import scripts, it is possible to define the format of the dates and the amounts to be converted in the internal format NEW
  • Text files: importation of all text files that have fields separated by tabs
  • Possibility of exporting the entire table or only certain rows
  • Automatic completion of missing fields (VAT codes, exchange rates)
  • Possibility of importing in Ascii or Utf8 (Unicode) characters
  • Possibility of importing directly from the clipboard
  • AC2: import from Banana Accounting .ac2 files
  • Possibility of indicating the accounting period from which to import data
  • The accounts and the categories are imported following in the correct sequence
  • Importing VAT Codes: sllows the user to import VAT Codes from another file (also from a .txt format)

Functions no longer supported

  • DDE interface - in version 7 a new interface will be presented, based on http protocol NEW


System requirements

  • Windows XP or more recent version, 32 or 64 bit
  • Mac OSX 10.5 "Leopard" or more recent version, 10.9 "Mavericks" (only 64-bit) NEW
    (iOS e iPad not supported)
  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or more recent version LTS NEW
  • Intel or AMD Processor
    (Mac with PowerPC not supported)
  • 150 MB Ram memory - The RAM requirements depend on the amount of transactions and the amount of accounts inserted in the accounting. The value indicated here is valid for an accoutning with 200 accounts and 2000 transactions. The amount of different accountings, accounts and transactions are not limited.
  • Internet connection for accessing the Help function of the program.


  • Online help - directly accessible from the program with direct link to our website / detailed explanation of all dialog windows NEW
  • Index directly linked to the subjects
  • Error messages windows and warnings window directly accessible NEW
  • Help center and online manuals downloadable from our website: