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In the Section column, there must be an encoding that is used to determine the various settings of the printouts. The various items that make up the financial statements are divided into several sections; each section is as if it were in its own right.

This subdivision into sections allows you to choose whether to print the entire balance sheet and income statement, or choose which sections to print (eg only the balance sheet, or just a group, excluding the other components from printing).

Below we present a table with the coding to be used in the Accounts table, Section column.

*Title 1the asterisk separates the sections and indicates the main headers
**Title 2to be entered for the secondary headers
1Assetsto be entered in the row of the Assets title
2Liabilitiesto be entered in the row of the Liabilities title
3Expensesto be entered in the row of the Expenses title
4Revenueto be entered in the row of the Revenue title
01Client's Registerto be entered in the row of the Client's Register title
02Supplier's Registerto be entered in the row of the Supplier's Register title
03Cost Centersto be entered in the row of the Cost Centers title
04Profit Centersto be entered in the row of the Profit Centers title
#Notesto be entered in the row of the Notes title
#XHidden datato be entered in the row from whereon the data have to be hidden

The type of encoding set in the Section column is used to determine the print settings for Enhanced Balance Sheet with Groups.

Each section is printed as if it were a separate table.

Title section

  • The asterisk indicates a new section. 
    • * Title 1 generates a level 1 folder.
    • This section resets the level type to 1.
    • It can contain level 2 sections or folders.
    • It will be useful for grouping sections that need to be printed together such as the Balance Sheet, which contains both assets and liabilities.
  • ** 
    The double asterisk indicates a level 2 section. 
    • ** Title 2 generates a level 2 folder

When you create a new title section, the numeric section is set to 1.
After a title section, the desired number section must therefore always be reset as well.

Numerical sections

The section number determines:

  • How the amounts are printed; the amounts can be displayed as in the chart of accounts or reversed.
    The credit amounts (in negative,) if they are inverted, are displayed in positive, while those in positive are displayed in negative.
  • Which columns are used to display the amounts; either the Balance column or the Period Movement column is used.
    • The Balance column indicates the account balance at a certain point in time (balance as of June 30th).
    • The Total Period Movement column indicates the amount of the movement in the indicated period; it is used for the income statement and indicates expenses or income for a certain period.

The explanations of the different sections are as follows:

  • 1 Assets (amounts as in the chart of accounts, balance column).
  • 2 Liabilities (inverted amounts, balance column).
  • 3 Costs (amounts as in the chart of accounts, total movement column).
  • 4 Revenues (inverted amounts, total movement column).
    This section can also be used alone and include both costs and revenues (Income statement). In this case, revenues are shown in positive and costs in negative.

These sections must be unique. There can be only one section, 1 Assets or 2 Liabilities. Similar sections can be used for other sections, ledgers or cost centers.

Derived numerical sections

These are sections that behave like the main sections:

  • 01 As Assets (amounts as in the chart of accounts, balance column)
    Is used for the customer register.
  • 02 As Liabilities (inverted amounts, balance column)
    Is used for the suppliers register.
  • 03 As Expenses (amounts as in the chart of accounts, total movement column)
    Is used for cost centers.
  • 04 As Revenue (inverted amounts, total movement column)
    Is used for profit centers.

Other Sections

There are other sections types:

  • # Used to indicate the notes section (print description only)
    To be used for budget annexes.
  • #X Hidden section. This section is not taken up in the selection of the sections nor in the printout. It is used to indicate a part that you do not want to print.

Disposition and width of columns in print

The disposition and the width of the columns are determined automatically by the program:

  • Sections 1, 2, 01, 02 are printed with the balances on the specified date.
  • Sections 3, 4, 03, 04 are printed with the movements for the period.

Sections of the Balance sheet report

In order to divide the Financial Statements into the various sections, the code indicated in the Section column must be entered:

  • Insert a * on the same row as the Balance sheet title.
  • Enter 1 on the same line as the Assets title.
  • Enter 2 on the same line as the Liabilities title.

Balance sheet codification

Sections of the Profit & Loss statement

  • Enter a * on the same line as the Profit & Loss title.
  • Enter 4 on the same line as the Revenue title.
  • Enter 3 on the same line as the Expenses title.

Profit & Loss statement codes

Sections of the Profit & Loss statement in a graduated format

In the case of a graduated income statement, the groups of expenses and revenues alternate and consequently there is no clear distinction between the section of costs and revenues, therefore enter only:

  • A * on the same row as the Profit & Loss Statement title
  • 4 on the blank line below the income statement.

sections for graduated profit & loss

Sections in the customers / suppliers register

The display of the amounts is the same as for assets and liabilities. This coding also applies if customers and suppliers are set up as cost centers.

  • Insert a * on the same row as the Customer / Debtors Register title or on a blank row (as in the example).
  • Enter 01 on the same row as the Customers Register title
  • Enter 02 on the same row as the Suppliers Register title

Customers Suppliers section register

If there are cost and profit centers, you must enter:

  • a * in the same row as the Cost and Profit Centers title or on a blank line
  • 03 on the same row as the Cost Centers title or on a blank line (preceding the cost centers).
  • 04 on the same row as the Profit Centers title or on a blank line (preceding the Profit Centers).

The cost center amounts will be shown in positive as the costs; profit centers will be displayed in negative as revenue.

sections profit and cost centres


Related document:

Enhanced Balance Sheet with groups



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