Help Menu

Documentation •
In this article

The Help menu gives access to the followings commands:

  • User's guide - gives access to the documentation that explains the various functions of the program and the accounting issues.
  • Keyboard shortcuts  - contains the list of all keyboard shortcuts with detailed use description.
  • Check for updates - connects to our website to check if there are newer versions of the software
  • Support center  - access to the Banana Accounting support web page
  • Manage subscription  
    The dialogue box to manage your subscription, indicating the following information:
    • Email with which you registered and the possibility to remove it.
    • Version in use and expiration.
    • Link to unlock your version with a product key.
    • Link to purchase a subscription.
    • Link that checks the availability of an updated subscription.
  • About Banana Accounting 
    Opens a window that shows technical information about the program such as version number, serial number, Copyright.....


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