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Instant information

Account balances, income and expense are on ready display in the Accounts and Category tables.
After each entry of a transaction, balances are adjusted automatically and there is no need to run a report to to have the situation under control, as you can simply display the Accounts or Categories tables.

Advanced printouts

All printing is run from the Reports menu, where the different functions for printing are located:

  • Journal by period command. You can display and print the whole table or just a specified period.
  • Account/Category or group cards command. You may select all cards or define your selection.
    Define the required period in the Period tab and click the required print settings in the Options tab. Print settings can be saved in the Customization tab so they can be resumed without them to be having defined again.
  • Enhanced statement command. You may also print a defined period and various options and customizations may be included.
  • Enhanced statement with groups command. You may also print a defined period and various options and customizations may be included.
  • Accounting Report command. The report with the required options are displayed in the Accounts table. Reports by period are possible, also with the comparison of previous periods or years; each period may contain subdivisions and the customization can be saved.





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