In this article
Cash Flow Statements and Financial Ratios [BETA]
Advanced financial reporting and charts for your double entry accounting, inclusive of Cash Flow Statement, standard financial ratios, Dupont analysis and Altman index. Compare historical data over more years and forecast data with current year.

Easily add advanced financial reporting and charts to your existing double entry accounting. It works with any accounting plan, the first time you enter your groups/accounts in the settings dialog, and then all calculations and reporting will be done automatically. This extension is available in Banana Accounting Plus only with the Advanced plan. Update now!
How to start
First time setup:
- Open Banana Accounting Plus
- Open your existing Banana double entry accounting file.
- Go to the Extensions menu → Manage Extensions... command and install the Cash Flow Statements and financial Ratios extension.
- Map you accounting plan.
- Extensions menu → Cash Flow and Financial Ratio → Settings.
- Under Grouping enter the groups you have in your accounting plan in the predefined groups.
The extension uses a standard, simplified Balance and Profit and loss structure, that allows to automatically calculate the Financial Ratios. - Click OK to verify your data.
Check the Ignore warnings/errors if you want to save the data and complete the grouping later.
- Add information to some special transactions (dividends, change in reserve, disinvestment, investments) they can be identified for the Cash Flow Statements.
Run the reports (at any time).
- Open your Banana double entry accounting file.
- Menu Extensions → Cash Flow and Financial Ratio
- Financial Charts
- Financial Reports
Available reports and charts
- Reclassification and checks
- Reclassified balance sheet
- Reclassified Profit and Loss Statement
- Control sums
- Cashflow Statement
- Cash Flow statement based on the indirect method.
- Cash Flow ratios.
- Financial ratios and analysis
- Liquidity ratios:
- Financing ratios
- Profitability ratios
- Efficiency ratios
- Dupont Analysis
- Altman index
- Charts
- Evolution of ratios over time
- Evolution of the Reclassified balance sheet
- Evolution of the elements of the Reclassified Profit and Loss Statement.
In order to be able to use this extension you have to:
- Use Banana Accounting Plus with the Advanced plan. We recommend using the Dev-Channel, some features or functionality present in the insider version may not yet be accessible in the regular version of Banana.
- Open a Double-entry accounting file.
It is important that the various accounting years files included in the analysis have the chart of accounts set up in the same way, at least as far as references to groups are concerned.
For example, if I want to analyze the accounting years: 2018, 2019, 2020, and I set up group 100 in the Liquidity grouping. I need to make sure that for all three years the group is the same.
Try the extension now
You have the opportunity to use a test accounting file with some random entries to get an idea of the extension's functionality. The file already includes the extension, so you don't even have to download it
You can test it by editing the transactions, the chart of accounts or the various settings in the dialog.
The accounting file does not exceed 70 transactions, so you can also try it out with the free or professional version and upgrade to the Advanced plan later.