In this article
Banana Accounting allows you to manage the accounts and also the customer and supplier invoices both on an accrual basis and on a cash basis.
The following explains how to set up separate accounts for each customer and a group for customers, so that you can have a list of separate invoices per customer available.
In case you only have a few invoices and don't want to keep a detail per customer, you may also keep one account only to record all customer invoices. The list of invoices will thus apply for all customers and not for any single customer.
Setting up the Clients' register
- A * section (header) (see Sections)
- A 01 section for the Clients (see Sections)
- The Clients accounts that are required (see Adding a new account). Each customer will be allocated one row in the Plan of Accounts and a his/her single account number. Account numbers is at your discretion (see Accounts) it is however advisable to use numbers only, especially for the management of payments.
- A group where all customer accounts are totalled.
- This group, in turn, is totalised into a group present in the Assets.
- The total for Clients will be totalised in the summary group 110A of the Gr column.
- The same code or number used for the Gr (110A), must be used in the Assets Group column, in the row corresponding to the Total Customers of the Balance Sheet.
The groups' numbering can be freely chosen (see Groups).
Recording an issued invoice
Recording a payment
- Enter the transaction date
- Position yourself in the Invoice column cell and click on the F2 button. If the F2 button doesn't work, you need to activate your customers/suppliers settings, by entering your register's group (ex.: Account2 menu, Customers, Settings). A list of all open invoices will display.
- Alternatively, you may also start by entering the invoice number, the customer/supplier name or the amount, and the program will show you the list of the open invoices according to your search data.
- Select the desired invoice and press Enter.
- The program completes the Transaction with the Description column, the Credit account and the Amount. The program will report a difference if the account number of the counterpart is not inserted.
Enter the account into which the invoice amount has been transferred
Recording a credit note
In order for the amount to be deducted from the original invoice, the same invoice number needs to be used. If the corrective document (for example, a credit note) presents a different number that needs to remain available, such a reference can be entered in another column, such as Doc. Original. Refer also to Print credit notes.