In this article
There are different ways to create a new file:
- from one of the templates included in the program
- from one of the online templates available on our website
- from an existing file or template (without editing it):
- copying the file with your operating system
- using the Save as command from the File menu
- using the Create file copy command from the Tools menu, that allows you to choose what data to keep.
- using the Convert to new file command from the Tools menu; this command will reate a new file with different characteristics but keeping the existing data.
This command is usually userd to add the VAT management or the multicurrency feature to an existing accounting file, or to change a file language.
- creating a new empty file
- creating a new file and loading the data froma an accounting file, but with a different chart of accounts.
Transfering to a new year
When transfering to a new year, there is a specific procedure to follow, in order to create a new year's file and automatically carry forward the opening balances.
New file settings
When creating a new file with new characteristics, you need to setup the outline of the new file.