New file from an internet template

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In this article

Download and open the file with Banana

There are different ways to download the file, depending of what internet browser you are using.

  • Click on the file link
  • With the mouse right click choose the Save file command from the menu that appears
  • Open Banana and drag the file or the file link into it.

Save the file with a name

Once you have opend the template with Banana you need to use the Save as command from the File menu

  • Chose the destination folder
  • It can be useful to create a separate folder for each year so you can also store there other documents related to that year.
  • Chose a file name containing the company name and the accounting year, for example smith_company_2017
  • The software will add the .ac2 extention, typical for the Banana files

Adapt the template

  1. Edit the File properties
  2. You can now adapt your chart of accounts
    • Enter your bank accounts
    • Enter or edit the chart of account to fit it to your needs
      You will still be able to add or edit it as you work, if new needs arise.
  • If you are taking over an existing accounting file, you will also need to enter the opening balances in the Opening column.
  • If you are working in a multicurrency file, you need to update the opening exchange rates.


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