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The Editor options are activated from the menu Tools → Program Options → Editor.

opzioni programma - editor


Edit table with single click

  • If the function is activated, a single click on the selected cell is sufficient to introduce change.
  • If the function is activated, a single click on the cell already selected is sufficient to change.

Autocomplete text (Smart fill)

By activating this option, the program automatically selects the first draft text in the drop down list and automatically fills it in the row where you are.

Add up during selection

By activating this option, the program will add up the selected amounts. Deactivate this function if this instantaneous addition slows certain operations down. One can select non-adjacent amounts by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting individual cells with the left mouse button.

On Enter go to the next row

By activating this option, the cursor will place itself on the next row when pressing the Enter key.


Maximum number of undo operations

Insert the maximum number of undo operations when using the command from the menu Edit → Undo Operation (you undo one operation at a time).

Smart fill rows limit

When inserting data, the program reads the data that has already been entered and tries to suggest how to complete an entry. In cases where there are many rows, this function could slow down the process.
The user can define a limit for the number of rows, above which the smart fill will not be used. If there is no value entered or zero, smart fill will always be used.

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