Table Clips

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In this table you enter the data to generate the video.

Table Clips


  • Chapter (Optional)
    • Enter a chapter number or letter, that help you organize the video in group of video clip.
    • Use [] for automatic chapter numbering (progresssive).
    • During build the chapter number is added to the language Text (for display only) if the build option is active.
    • Chapter rows should also contain a Clip file name
  • Clip File.
    • The row that contains a Clip File name will be the start of a Video Clip.
    • The Video clip will contains all the rows up to the next row that contains a Clip File name.
    • The image file (png or jpg) or clip (mp4).
      • If you go in change mode you have the list of files available.
      • If you click on the little icon you see the preview and you can change the image.
    • Empty.
      If the clip file is empty, this row will be added to the previous video clip file.
    • Automatic file renumbering
      Use the file in the specified format to renumber file name based on the chapter number.  When you add a new chapter all the existing file with the automatic file format will be renamed.
      • The automatic file name format is in the form of chapternumber-progressive[-freetext].ext.
        The free text is optional.
        • "01-01.png" "101-101.png"
        • "01-01-freetext.png" "101-101-freetext.png"  
  • Effects (default is hidden)
    You can attach effects to the image that will be applied when the video is build.
    For the syntax see the Effects page,
  • Text Style
    The style to be used for showing the text.
    • Empty.
      Same as Subtitles.
    • None.
      Text is not shown.
    • Any other you define in the Text Style table.
  • Speech Style
    • Empty.
      Default speech style.
    • None.
      Text is not translated to speech.
    • Any other speech style you define in the Speech Style Table.
  • Start (Time Start)
    The start time the clip, text or speech start to be shown. Relative to the clip file.
    If the time is empty, the start time is calculated based on the speech duration .
  • Duration
    The duration of the clip, text or speech. Relative to the clip file.
  • Time command.
    • Empty
      The duration is automatically calculated based on the speech duration.
    • Duration Time Command
      If you specify a Duration command the StartTime of the the next row is ignored.
      • DurationAdd (AddTime).
        The entered duration is added to calculated duration.
      • DurationFixed (FixedTime),
        The entered duration is used. If the speech is longer it will be cut.
        Useful for pause.
      • DurationPause
        Same as FixedTime, but with the option to exclude the pause in the build.
      • DurationPause[XX]
        Same as DurationPause, but if the Duration is empty, the duration of the last Duration[XX] is used. 
        You can create different standard pause "DurationPauseChapter", "DurationPauseImage"
        Pause will not be included in build if the option is activated.
      • DurationSpeech.
        The entered duration is used if the calculated speech duration is shorter.
      • DurationMin (MinTime).
        The entered duration is used if the calculated speech duration is shorter.
    • Time Commands for Title, text or effect rows that have no speech and therefore the duration is zero
      In case the rows have the SpeechStyle set to "none" or there is no text and there is no Duration.
      These commands allow display the text for a duration of the speech o clip..
      • SameNextRow (NextRowTime),
        The text will display at the same same start time and end time calculated for the next row.
        Useful in case you need to use for display and speech different texts.
      • SamePreviousRow (PreviousRowTime),
        The text will display at the same same start time and end time calculated for the previous row.
        Useful in case you need to use for display and speech different texts.
      • SameClip (ClipTime).
        The text will display for all the time the clip duration (from begin to end).
      • SameClipEnd (ClipTimeEnd).
        The text will display for up to the end of the clip.
    • Time Command that takes priority over the speech duration
      • SameClipVideo (ClipVideoTime)
        Only for clip files of type video.
        Takes the same duration as the original video clip.
  • Text (language)
    The text to be displayed or for speech creation.
    There is one column for each language.
    Use Action->Add Language to add another language.

Structure and logic of a video

These are the basic elements of a FinalVideo.

  • Chapter (optional)
    It is used to group together a series of Video Clip that together form a unit, exactly as chapters.
    • VideoClip (Clip File)
      Start with a row that contains a file name in the column ClipFile
      It include all rows up to the next row containing a file name in the column ClipFile
      • Non-Video Clip Row
      • Non-Video Clip Row
    • Video Clip
      • Non-Video Clip Row
      • Non-Video Clip Row
  • Chapter
    • VideoClip
      • Non-Video Clip Row
      • Non-Video Clip Row


Is the result of the process of the command Build Video.

  • The FinalVideo is the concatenation of the different VideoClips in the same sequence specified in the table Clips.
  • The length of the FinalVideo is the sum of the length of the different VideoClips.


Each VideoClip is build separately and once all the VideoClips have been build they are concateneted to form a FinalVideo.

  • A VideoClip is based on a ClipFile specified in the column Clip File
  • All the rows before a row that contains a ClipFile are used to create the VideoClip.
  • The number of Video Clips correspond to the number of Clip Files specified.

A Video clip file and can be of type.

  • Image. jpg or png file.
  • A video sequence (mp4 o avi file).

Times columns

The times columns (StartTime, Duration and TimeCommand) are used to determine the length of the VideoClip.

  • The Time columns are specific to each VideoClip.
    The VideoClips are concatenated to form a FinalVideo, so the next VideoClip will start exactly after previous one.
  • The time of a new VideoClip is not influenced by the times value specified before.
  • The duration of a VideoClip is the sum of the duration of the different rows that form the VideoClip.

Start and duration of speech rows

The speech rows are rows that have a text and don't have the SpeechStyle to "none".

  • SpeechDuration
    The duration of the row is automatically calculated, based on the length of the speech.
  • If the speech duration is longer then the duration specified, the SpeechDuration is used.
  • If the next row has a StartTime, the Duration will be expanded so that the next row will start of the StartTime specified. 
  • CalculatedStartTime of a row is the the sum of the duration of the previous rows of the VideoClip. 
    The CalculatedStartTime has precedence over the specified StartTime.
  • You can change the automatic mode with the Duration TimeCommands ( DurationAdd, DurationFixed, DurationMin, DurationSpeech).

Start and duration of Title rows (non speech rows)

In the VideoClip you can have rows that don't have speech:

  • When there is no text
  • SpeechStyle "none"
    • When the text is a title.
    • When the speech text need to be different than the speech.

In this case you need to synchronize the appearance of the text with the speech. So you can use the Sync Time Commands.

StartTime for Video Clip Files (Video Segments)

For Clip File that contains a video the StartTime is used to specify at what exact point a subtitles, title and speech should appears. But, if you build a Video in another language, the SpeechTime can be larger than the original one. In order not to have the speech to be cut fit the video, the program will have slow down a sequence of the video for the time necessary too fit all the speech. 

  • During the build the Video file is cut in different VideoSegments each one corresponding to the specified StartTime.
  • Each segment is than processed separately and the duration adapted to the specific content and time. 
    • If the speech duration is longer than the original one, the duration of the segment is expanded (the video will be slowed down).
    • If there are TimeCommand they will be applied to the row and segment.
  • The speech and text are added to each segment so that the speech and titles start always at the original point. 

You can control the duration of the different video segments by using the following TimeCommand:

  • DurationSpeech.
    Use if you want to make the segment not longer than the speech duration.
    • If the original video segment duration is shorter, the video will be slow down.
    • If the original video segment duration is longer the video will be speed up.
  • DurationAdd
    Add a duration to the DurationSpeech and speed-up or slow-down the video segment.
  • DurationFixed
    Extend or cut the original segment duration of exactly the specified duration and and speed-up or slow-down the video segment. 
    If there is a speech that it is longer than the specified duration the speech will be cut.
    Use mostly in case for segments that have no speech. 

Calculated columns

With the command Tools>Add/Remove functionalities you can:

  • Add Calculated columns
  • Remove Calculated columns

The Add Calculated columns are made available for the developer of the application, but may be interesting also for people creating video.
The command will add the following columns:

  • Start Clip
    The time when the row will start relative to the Clip.
  • Start Clip
    The time when the row will start relative to the complete Video.
  • Calculated Duration
    The duration taking in consideration also the Time command.
  • C. Speech
    The Duration of the speech in the processed language.
  • Calculated Fill
    The time that will be added to arrive at the specified Start time.

Table Clips with Calculated Columns

The calculated columns will be updated at the end of the build process.
The change will not change the modified flag of the file, so if you want to save the date you have to modify some text.













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