Network error, could not download %1. %2


The programme tries to download a template or download or update an extension, but fails to contact


  1. Check the Internet connection.
    The Internet connection may not be available.
  2. Check the settings of the antivirus program or firewall.
    Set your firewall so that communication to the site is authorised.
  3. Check the proxy server settings.
    If a proxy server is active, check that this allows communication with the site.
    • Open the Windows settings and search for 'proxy'.

      Impostazioni di windows per modificare il proxy
    • Make sure the proxy server is set to Automatic and the manual proxy is set to 'off'.
    • Proxy automatico On, manuale Off
    • If a proxy server is needed, make sure that the site is accessible, e.g. by putting * in the list of exceptions.
    • Aggiungere * nella lista delle eccezioni nelle impostazioni del proxy server

If the problem persists, but you still manage to access the site with your browser:

  • You can download the template file directly from the website.
  • You can download the Banana extension file from and install it manually (there will be no updates).
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