Securities Reports

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 Security Card Report

This report creates a tab that summarises all the movements regarding a certain security. The structure is similar to that of the account card, but besides being filtered by security, it also shows the variation of the quantity of securities over time and how the securities' book value changes after each operation.

The header of the table shows the id, description and currency of the security along with the current date.


Enter the id of the title for which you want to create a tab. If the title is not found in the Items table, an error message is displayed, in this case make sure that the title exists in the table.

Security card dialog

When you reopen the dialog the title you entered last time will be displayed again.

Table structure

  • Date: Transaction date.
  • Doc: Transaction number.
  • Description: Transaction description.
  • Debit (item Currency): Debit amount in the item currency.
  • Credit (item Currency): Credit amount in the item currency.
  • Balance (item Currency): Balance amount in the item currency.
  • Debit (Base Currency): Debit amount in base currency.
  • Credit (Base Currency): Credit amount in base currency.
  • Balance (Base Currency): Balance amount in base currency.
  • Quantity: Purchased or sold quantity.
  • Unit Price (item Currency): purchase or sale (unit) price of the security.
  • Quantity Balance: Current quantity of securities.
  • Book value per unit (item Currency): Current average accounting cost of the security.

Security card report

 Reconciliation Report

This report allows you to obtain the information to reconcile the accounting movements concerning securities. For each security account indicated, it summarises the movements of those items attributed to that security, thus allowing to compare all movements of a security with the totals calculated by the program.

Together with the totals there is a field "differences" in which any differences between the movements and the calculated totals are reported, this amount must correspond to zero, otherwise it means that something is not correct in the accounting.


Enter the name of the account(s) you wish to view the reconciliation for, if there are more than one use a semicolon as a separator between the accounts ';'.

Security card report

Report structure

The report has a structure similar to that of the security card, since all movements of each security are included, the only additional column being the one identifying the accounting account of the security.

For each security account, after the movements, there are summary totals:

  • Opening Balance: Opening Balance of the security account
  • Current Balance: Current balance of the security account returned by the program.
  • Total securities movements: Sum of the total movements concerning the security (should correspond to the current Balance)
  • Differences: Shows the difference between the balance reported in the field Current Balance and the total movements, if everything is correct the amount is equal to zero

Security card report

 Portfolio Evaluation Report

The new version of this report is actually available only in the BETA version of the Portfolio accounting extensions. To be able to use the new version which actually works also with multi-currency accounting files, you need to switch to the beta version of the extension:

  • Open the Manage Extensions dialog.
  • If you have already downloaded the extension, select the extension "Portfolio Accounting" from those Installed, otherwise download the extension and then selected it.
  • In the panel on the right, under 'Preferred channel' select 'Release Beta' in the combobox.
  • Then you should see the name of the extension followed by the words "[beta]".

If you have any trouble, please send us a feedback. The old version is still available in the "Release Stable" channel  but does not work with multi-currency accounting files.

Appraisal Report

This report is divided into two sub-reports

  • Appraisal Report
  • Portfolio Transactions Report

This report shows some data that allow you to make an overall assessment of your portfolio, compares the book value of your securities with their market value.  In order to use this report correctly, enter the current market price of your securities in the table Items in the column "Price Current".

When you start the extension you can choose through a dialog to sort the items in a descending order according to the following criteria:

  • Market Value
  • Quantity
  • Percentage of Portfolio

The column of the selected field will appear highlighted in a different colour than the others.

  • Type/Security: Name of the group or security.
  • Current quantity: Quantity of securities.
  • Book value per unit: Average unit cost of securities.
  • Book value: Value of the securities.
  • Market value per unit: The current unit price of the securities, to be entered manually in the Price Current column.
  • Market value: Market value of the securities.
  • % of Port: Percentage of portfolio represented by securities.
  • Un.Gain or Loss: Unrealised Profit/Loss
  • % G/L: Ratio of Unrealized Gain/Loss to Market Value.

Portfolio Appraisal report

You can change the order of the results at any time by pressing the options icon at the top of the report and choosing another item from the drop-down menu.

Portfolio Transactions Report

Summarises the accounting operations carried out for each security, the columns are taken from the Transactions table.

Portfolio Appraisal report (transactions)


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