How to start with a template

In this article

Install Banana Accounting

To open the template you need to install Banana Accounting on your computer.
If you have not yet done so, proceed as follows:

Download the template from the site

On the template page, click on the Download link and Save it to your computer.

  • Start Banana and open the file you just downloaded.
  • If it has been saved in the temporary folder, you will get a message that the file is read-only.
  • Save the file with the name and in the working folder you want.

Use the Template ID (starts with "+")

For example, if you want to find a template with Template ID +10685 on the template page (starts with the "+" sign), you need to:

  • Start Banana Accounting
  • Use the command File Menu → New command.
  • In Filter by enter the Template ID: +10685
  • Click on Create.

Create new accounting file with the Template ID

Choose a template within Banana Accounting

  • Use the File -> New command
    You will see the complete list of all available templates. Click on the one that suits your situation most.
  • Click on the Create button.
  • Save the file  to your computer.

Create a new Accounting file

Save the file with a name

Once the file has been created you must save it by giving it a name.
We recommend to use your company's name as the file name and also indicate the accounting year. For example "company-2022.ac2".
The ".ac2" is the extension of Banana Accounting file.

With Banana Accounting your data remains private. While saving, you can also indicate the folder or disk where to save them.

File customization

  • Save the file on your computer, in the directory you want, with the name of your company and the year.
  • Customize the file to your needs and enter the registrations.
    For double entry accounting


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