In diesem Artikel

    Double-Entry Accounting for a Financial Company with foreign currencies and Portfolio management

    Double-Entry Accounting with foreign currencies

    Start easily and FOR FREE to manage the accounting and the securities of your company in multiple currencies and get instantly Balance sheet, Income & Statement and Portfolio data. This easy and ready-to-use template is ideal for people who have to do double-entry accounting and need a professional and fast solution. Your data remains private on your PC and you don't need to register.

    In Banana WebApp öffnen

    Öffnen Sie Banana Buchhaltung Plus in Ihrem Browser ohne Installation. Passen Sie die Vorlage an, geben Sie die Transaktionen ein und speichern Sie die Datei auf Ihrem Computer.

    Vorlage im Banana WebApp öffnen Tutorial im Banana WebApp öffnen
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