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Autosave (in minutes)
This option allows saving the file automatically according to the desired frequency (in minutes). The program saves the data in a file called auto backup + file name. If the program or the computer crashes, the data can be recuperated by opening this file and saving it with a name (Save as...) from the File menu.

Create backup copy (.bak)
When the user saves to disk using the same name, the version of the file that already existed is renamed with a .BAK extension.

Files extension

Extensions of files considered secure
This option defines the file types  (ex.: "pfd", "jpg", ...) or the url schemes (es.: "http:", "x-devonthink-item:", ...) that the software consents to open with a double click on the DocLink column of the Transactions table. This prevents from opening non-secure files by the program. Extensions should be inserted without the initial point '.', while the schemes must be inserted with a final double dot ':'.


Enable TrueType fonts
If this option is enabled, the font selected in the Interface tab is used when printing PDF files, otherwise a native PDF file type (Helvetica or Times New Roman) is used. This option must be disabled if in the generated PDF files the texts are unreadable.

Restore Defaults

If some settings have been altered, by using this button, the default settings will be restored.


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