
In this article

Copy, Cut and Paste

It is possible to copy/paste cells, rows or selected text just as it is possible to do with any normal Windows program:

  • Select the line or the area of data to be copied
  • In the Edit menu, select the Copy or Cut command
  • Move to the row or the area where the information should be copied
  • From the Edit menu, select Paste

The user can also copy/paste by using the following icons  or press Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+X to cut and Ctrl+V to paste.
There are also commands such as Copy rows, Delete rows and Paste rows: in this case they refer to a full row or rows and not to a cell selection. For this purpose the commands Copy, Cut and Paste should not be used.

Entering a text

In order to enter a text position yourself in the cell you wish to write in. With a double click on the cell a drop down menu will appear with all the text previously entered; as you start writing the program automatically suggest similar text previously entered; select the appropriate text and:

  • press Enter - in order to automatically enter the selected text
  • press the F6 key - in order to automatically enter the selected text + all other row data (debit account, credit account, amount, ...)

Editing a text - Smart Fill

From the version 7 of Banana Accounting it is possible to edit the text directly in the cell; just double-click in the appropriate cell (or press the F2 key) and enter the new text. Also when editing the texts, the Smart fill and autocomplete texts feature suggests earlier entered texts.

It is also possible to edit a text selecting the cell and entering the new text in the text input area, under the toolbar. On the left side of this area, two icons will appear to undo or accept the entered text.

Wrap text

When the text for a row is very long, the Calculate row height command from the Format menu allows the user to view it completely, adapting the height of the row.

To adapt the height of the row to the text, the user should:

  • choose the Columns setup command from the Data menu;
  • select the appropriate field name;
  • activate the option Wrap text in the Display tab;
  • recall the Calculate row height command from the Format menu each time it is necessary. 

The Calculate all row heights command is equal to the one described above, with the difference that it operates on all rows of the table. 

Entering an account number

Position yourself in the Debit or Credit account column and start entering the account number or account description; the program will suggest you all the accounts with a similar number or description. Choose the appropriate one with the Down arrow key or Up arrow and press Enter.

Attention: to deactivate last year's smart fill, you must deactivate the Smart fill with transactions from previous year option from the File and accounting properties command (Options tab - File menu).


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