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This section can vary depending on the settings of the Section column of the accounting plan - See the related document: Sections in the accounting plan

As on Accounts table

The display and the printout settings of the Enhanced Balance Sheet with groups, are the same as in the Accounts table.
Depending on the selection, there are different sections with different options:

  •     sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 01, 02, 03, 04... refer to the main items of the Balance Sheet
  •     account sections refer to the selected account
  •     group sections refer to the selected group

If you select a section with an asterisk, you will have the following options:

Hide section
Click on the section that you wish to hide.

Hide current row
Click on the row that you wish to hide.

Start on new page
Click on the header that you want to have on a new page and activate the option.

Alternative text
Enter an alternative text if you want to have a different one for the selected section or row.

If you select a number or a group section (1, 2, 3, 4.....), there are extra options:

Group for % calculation (%)
This option is visible when selecting a section (Assets, Liabilities, ...). It is possible to indicate which group the % calculation should be based on.

Hide child rows
If you select a group and you activate this function, child rows of this group won't be printed in the Enhanced Balance Sheet.

Show as account
If you select a group and you activate this function, the group will be displayed as an account in the Balance sheet.

External accounting report

Print the Enhanced Balance Sheet by groups, based on the structure of the Accounting report file.



Report File
You can select the file of the External Accounting report with the Browse button.

Grouping column
Column in which the accounts refer to the groups defined in the External Accounting report. Available columns: Gr1, Gr2, Gr, BClasse and GrVat.

Signal missing grouping
Checks whether all accounts belong to a group in the External Accounting report.


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