Install Banana Accounting Plus on Android

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You can download and install Banana Mobile for Android for free from the Google Android Play Store

Banana Mobile versions are an excellent support if you already have a desktop version and want to access your files from outside your office. These applications are constantly updated and improved.

With the mobile version of Banana Accounting you can quickly enter the transactions and control your accounting at any time! This mobile version is the porting for the desktop version, and is optimized for use on tablets, chromebook and "desktop mode", while on small screens the experience is limited, as they are not so suitable for the Excel-like interface.

Limitations of Banana Mobile compared to the Desktop version

Banana Accounting Plus Mobile resembles and makes available most of the features found in the desktop version. Some limitations are due to the touch  screen interface and the fact that Android makes fewer resources available than a Desktop device.
  • Cloud storage services other than Google Drive and Dropbox work in read-only mode.
  • Import - export functions from files are not available.
  • Multiple cell selection in touch mode is not available.
  • Copy and paste functions in touch mode are not available.
  • It is not possible to print data and create PDFs.

OneDrive  "File Access Error"

Unfortunately Microsoft Onedrive Application does not fully support the SAF (Android standard Storage Access Framework API) , therefore when you are saving the data to a OneDrive you will get a "File Access Error".

Users think that this is a bug of Banana Accounting, but instead it is a limitation of OneDrive.  

On this Github issue page "OneDrive Android API" you can see a full technical description of the problem and why it is related to Microsoft and not Banana Accounting. 

Access documents on the cloud from your Android

Banana Accounting, like many other apps, relies on the Android standard Storage Access Framework API (SAF) to select, read, and write files that are stored on Cloud storage services like Google Drive, iCloud, OneDrive, etc.

Unfortunately, some Android cloud storage apps do not fully or correctly implement the SAF standard. 
Kindly use the comment feature of the storage app to request the cloud service to fully and correctly support the SAF standard.

The following table shows you the available operations for the main Cloud storage services:









Swisscom MyCloud








Microsoft OneDrive








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