Associate .ac2 files with the most recent Banana Accounting version

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When the Banana Accounting program is being installed, the "Associate Banana Accounting+ with the .ac2 file extension" option is activated by default; as a result all the accounting files will be opened with the new version.

If, when clicking directly on the file before opening the program, it should occur that the file gets opened with a previous version of Banana Accounting, this problem can be solved in the following way:


  • right-click on the file icon 
  • on the menu that appears select "Open with" and then "Choose Default Program..."
  • choose the Banana program, the latest installed version.


  • right-click (or "ctrl "+ click) on the file icon 
  • on the menu that appears select "Get Info"
  • under "Open with..." choose the latest installed version of Banana, click then on "Change All..." option.
Just run this operation once and on a single file; from then on all files will always be opened with the latest version.
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