Enter transactions that modify other values

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In this article

The main view of the Transactions table displays the change in book value. The full view shows all other available columns, so as to make the change of the other values possible.

transaction other values

Transactions to change of Purchase, Historical or Fiscal value

You can enter transactions that modify the purchase, historical or fiscal value by using the appropriate columns.

  • Then add a new row and manually enter the values.
  • The amount must be entered manually by the user.
  • Use the appropriate Transaction type for the transaction.
  • If it is a amortisation, use the Amortisation type code.
  • Amount variation columns:
    • +/- Purchase
      • Positive amount for new purchases (Transaction type 11).
      • Negative amount for partial or total sales (Transaction Type 15).
    • +/- Historical
      • Positive amount for revaluations (Transaction type 21).
      • Negative amount for partial or total write-downs (Transaction Type Id 25).
    • +/- Tax
      • Positive amount for the increase in the tax value (Transaction type 41).
      • Negative amount for the reduction of the tax value (Transaction Type Id 45).

Modification of the Initial Value

The initial value in the item table should not be altered. If adjustments are required, postings must be entered that modify either:

  • the Purchase value.
  • or the Historical value (devaluations or revaluations).

Internal value different to the accounting one

There may be situations where the market value of the asset is higher than the book value, so there will be an internal hidden reserve.

To keep track of these differences you can proceed in two ways:

  • In the Items table, display MarketValue column and enter the value.
    With this system, you will always have to update the value each time it changes as a result of actual amortisation.
  • Use the FiscalValue column as internal value.
    The assumption is that the tax value column is not already used and therefore that the tax value is equal to the book value.
    • In the Items and Transactions table, replace the column headings, use "Internal Value" instead of "Fiscal Value" and "+/- Internal" instead of "+/- Fiscal".
    • Descriptions of codes 41 and 45 will change in the Transaction type table.
    • Insert the transaction rows with the transaction type 41 and 45 and indicate the difference in positive in the "+/- Internal" column .


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