Contacts table

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In this article

The Contacts table presents the columns where the addresses can be entered.

Contacts table, address book

The columns

There are different columns. The biggest part of the columns is invisible. The Colums setup command has to be used in order to:

  • Display the columns
  • Change the order of the displayed columns
  • Add other columns
The name is based on the VCard standard.
  • Id is the contact number.
    This is needed when you want to connect a contact to the diary, to the loans or to another table.
    While being on that column and pressing F6, there is an automatic progressive numbering.
  • Prefix: you can enter "Mr", "Mrs", etc.
  • Family or Company name (if it concerns a company).
    If the contact is a contact person for a company, you can enter the company or entity to which the contact belongs in the Organisation column.
    When pressing F6 on the Name or Family Name column, the program separates or inverts the name and last name.
    If there are more than two names, this feature is not able to distinguish which one are the names or family (last) names.
  • LetterStart: is the greeting that is being used at the beginning of a letter. This is being used for a mail merge.
    For example: Dear John or Dear Mr Smith.
    The program suggests possible texts according to the contents that have already been entered into the columns.

Import new Contacts

It is possible to import new contacts also from external sources and it can be done in several ways:

The views

There are different views available and each view distinguishes itself from another one through the presence of specific columns; in this example (Address Book file), we have the Base, Name, Address2, Archive and Complete views. In the Complete view, all the columns are visible.




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