File properties multi-currency accounting

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See also the File Properties (Basic Data) page for information about the other sections of the dialog.

Property file Multi currency

Account for exchange rate profit
From the accounts list, select the account for the exchange rate profit present in the Chart of Accounts
You can only choose from class 3 and 4 accounts that are in basic currency.

In the Accounts table, it is also possible to specify the exchange rate difference account for each individual account.

Account for exchange rate loss
From the accounts list, select the one for the exchange rate loss present in the Chart of Accounts.

It is possible to select a second currency in order to view the balances in a currency different from the basic one.
It is possible to add new currencies that might be missing from the list, proceeding as follows:

  • in the Exchange rates table enter a new row; in the Ref.Currency column enter the basic currency for your accounting file, in the Currency column enter your desired currency
  • From the File menu > File and accounting properties command, in the Currency tab, the added currency will also be visible and it can be chosen as Currency2.

Decimal points Currency2
This is the number of decimal points to be used when rounding the amounts in currency2.

Conversion of amounts into Currency 2

Currency 2 is displayed in the Currency2 view of the Accounts table and used when you wish to have an estimate of all account balances, including those in base currency, in the foreign currency, defined as currency 2.
It serves for information purposes only, to know the values of the balance sheet and profit and loss account in a currency other than the base currency at a given time. The conversion is based on the exchange rate set in the exchange rate table, Exchange rate column. If the exchange rate in currency 2 is changed in the exchange rate table, the amounts in currency 2 will be recalculated.
The conversion may lead to differences between balances in currency and those in currency 2. More information can be found on the Exchange Rates page.

The conversion of the amounts into Currency 2 takes into account the currency of the account, with the following logic:

  • If currency 2 is equal to the account currency, the amount in the account currency is used.
  • Otherwise, if currency 2 is equal to the basic currency, the basic currency amount is used.
  • Otherwise (if the amount is in any other currency) the amount in basic currency is converted into Currency 2 at the current exchange rate set in the Exchange rates table, therefore historical exchange rates are not used for the conversion.


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