Find and Replace

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In this article

The Replace function, linked to the Find function, is activated by clicking on the Data → Replace ... menu. You will find the options for searching and replacing data appears in the section at the bottom of the table you are in.

trova e sostituisciThe text to search for and the text to replace must be entered in the same format as they appear in the input field. The amounts must be entered without the thousands separator.

Find text

Enter the reference you are searching for.

Replace with

Enter the new reference.


Complete words only

Search for complete words only: For example, if the search word is Tot, it will not find Totals.

Uppercase / Lowercase

When this option is activated, the program distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters

Search in the selected zone only

With this option, the information is searched only in the previously selected area.

Replace all

This key performs the replacement of all data at the same time. It is used when a change in the Accounts, Categories, Transactions or VAT Codes table (for example an account number, a VAT code) is necessary. For change of data to be repeated, you can also use the Rename function.


Replace one item at a time.

Find all

It searches for all the information, based on the entered keyword, and displays it in the information window below.

Find next

Next available information.



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